On 9/25/06, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recently wanted to pass a lookup table around a program.  Rather than
having something explicitly typed as Map.Map I wrote a function that
a Map and then used Map.lookup to return a function, like this:

 > module Main where
 > import qualified Data.Map as Map
 > import Debug.Trace
 > alist :: [(String, Integer)]
 > alist = map (\i -> (show i, i)) [1..100]


 > table :: [(String, Integer)] -> String -> Maybe Integer
 > table ls str = Map.lookup str fm
 >    where fm = trace "Trace: making the map" $ Map.fromList ls


 > table :: [(String, Integer)] -> String -> Maybe Integer
 > table ls = \str -> Map.lookup str fm
 >    where fm = trace "Trace: making the map" $ Map.fromList ls

"table" can be seen as a function from an association list to a look-up

 > demo :: [(String, Integer)] -> IO ()


 > demo ls = do


 > demo ls = func `seq` do

 >       showLookup "5"
 >       showLookup "70"
 >       showLookup "164"
 >       showLookup "wibble"
 >    where
 >       func = table ls
 >       showLookup str =
 >          putStrLn $ "Look up " ++ show str ++ " gives " ++
 >                     show (func str) ++ "."
 > main :: IO ()
 > main = demo alist

I reasoned that closure returned by "table ls" would contain a thunk
for "fm", which in turn would be evaluted the first time it was
called.  But it isn't: instead "fm" gets evaluated for every call to
"table", as shown by the repeated trace messages.

Store this message as "Thunk.lhs".  Compile with ghc -O2 and run "main".
What you get is:

Trace: making the map
Look up "5" gives Just 5.
Trace: making the map
Look up "70" gives Just 70.
Trace: making the map
Look up "164" gives Nothing.
Trace: making the map
Look up "wibble" gives Nothing.

So my question is: how do I write "table" to return a function which does
not build the lookup table for every call?  Or is this a bug in GHC?

(I should add that my real "table" function is rather more complicated, and
only invokes Map.lookup on a subset of its arguments.)

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I've just given it a quick look so it may be flawed.

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