Sorry, I was very silly!

This is the correct version of the program using the doFromto loop.
And it runs fast! I hope there are no further mistakes.
Thanks Axel.

time ./IOMutUnbUnsafe
real    0m0.708s
user    0m0.573s
sys     0m0.008s

-- compile with
-- ghc --make -o IOMutUnbUnsafe IOMutUnbUnsafe.hs
module Main

import Monad
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Base ( unsafeWrite, unsafeRead )

total, semiTotal ::Int
total= 500000

testArray :: IO (IOUArray Int Int)
testArray = newListArray (0,total)  [(19*i+23) `mod` 911 |i <- []]

reverseArray :: IOUArray Int Int -> IO ()
reverseArray arr = doFromTo 0 semiTotal (\i -> do oldi <- unsafeRead arr i

        oldj <- unsafeRead arr (total-i)

        unsafeWrite arr i oldj

        unsafeWrite arr (total-i) oldi)

sumArrayMod :: IOUArray Int Int -> IO Int
sumArrayMod arr = foldM (\s i -> do x <- unsafeRead arr i
$!(s+x) `mod` 911) 0 []

main = testArray >>= \a ->
      doFromTo 1 120 (\_ -> reverseArray a) >> sumArrayMod a >>=  print

{-# INLINE doFromTo #-}
-- do the action for [], ie it's inclusive.
doFromTo :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
doFromTo from to action =
 let loop n | n > to   = return ()
            | otherwise = do action n
                             loop (n+1)
  in loop from


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