Federico Squartini writes:

> Hello dear Haskellers,
> Could someone be kind and explain with some detail what are the
> differences between the two monads:
> Control.Monad.ST
> And
> Control.Monad.State
> ?
> They are both meant to model stateful computation but they are not the
> same monad. The first one represents state with in place update?

Conceptually, the difference is in the API. State can be thought of as
an ST with a single, implicit reference cell. Alternately, ST can be
thought of as a State which manipulates a store of values.

Here's a simple implementation of State using ST:

    newtype State s a = State 
        { unState :: forall r. ReaderT (STRef r s) (ST r) a }
    runState :: State s a -> s -> (a,s)
    runState m s0 = runST (do
        r <- newSTRef s0
        a <- runReaderT (unState m) r
        s <- readSTRef r
        return (a,s))
    instance Monad (State s) where
        return a = State (return a)
        m >>= f  = State (unState m >>= unState . f)
    instance MonadState s (State s) where
        get   = State (ask >>= lift . readSTRef)
        put x = State (ask >>= \s -> lift (writeSTRef s x))

It's also possible to write ST in terms of State. 

Assume we have a Store ADT with this interface:

    data Store r
    data STRef r a
    withStore :: (forall r. Store r -> a) -> a
    newRef    :: a -> Store r -> (STRef r a, Store r)
    readRef   :: STRef r a -> Store r -> a
    writeRef  :: STRef r a -> a -> Store r -> Store r
(The 'r' parameter is to make sure that references are only used with
the Store that created them. The signature of withStore effectively
gives every Store a unique value for r.)

Then we can define ST like so:
    newtype ST r a = ST { unST :: State (Store r) a } deriving Monad
    runST :: (forall r. ST r a) -> a
    runST m = withStore (evalState (unST m))
    newSTRef :: a -> ST r (STRef r a)
    newSTRef a = ST $ do 
        s <- get
        let (r,s') = newRef a s
        put s'
        return r
    readSTRef :: STRef r a -> ST r a
    readSTRef r = ST $ gets (readRef r)
    writeSTRef :: STRef r a -> a -> ST r ()
    writeSTRef r a = ST $ modify (writeRef r a)

There are two subtleties. The first is that you can't implement Store
without cheating at some level (e.g., unsafeCoerce). The second is that
the real ST implementation uses in-place update, which is only safe
because the Store is implicit and used single-threadedly.
David Menendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "In this house, we obey the laws
<http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem>      |        of thermodynamics!"
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