lhs2TeX version 1.13

We are pleased to announce a new release of lhs2TeX, 
a preprocessor to generate LaTeX code from literate Haskell

lhs2TeX includes the following features:

* Highly customized output.

* Liberal parser -- no restriction to Haskell 98.

* Generate multiple versions of a program or document from 
  a single source.

* Active documents: call Haskell to generate parts of the 
  document (useful for papers on Haskell).

* A manual explaining all the important aspects of lhs2TeX.

Changes (w.r.t. lhs2TeX 1.12)

* Compatible with ghc-6.8.{1,2}.

* Compatible with cabal-1.2; traditional configure/make
  installation should still work.

* Uses filepath.

* LINE pragmas can be disabled with --no-pragmas.

* Fixed comment lexing bugs (--> was considered a Haskell comment,
  \% was considered a TeX comment)

* Added a %subst directive for backquoted operators.

Requirements and Download

A source distribution is available from


Should work on all major platforms, but has mainly been
tested on Linux. Binaries will be made available on request.

You need a recent version of GHC (6.8.2 is tested, older versions
might work) to build lhs2TeX, and, of course, you need a TeX
distribution to make use of lhs2TeX's output. The program includes
a configuration that is suitable for use with LaTeX. In theory, 
there should be no problem to generate code for other TeX 
flavors, such as plainTeX or ConTeXt.

  Happy lhs2TeXing,
  Andres Loeh and Ralf Hinze


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