On 11 apr 2009, at 07:00, Don Stewart wrote:
Sure, I'm happy to convert the PSDs (available in the src/ directory,
here [1]) into SVG, but I will have to do so through tracing them in
InkScape unless somebody has another solution.

Many of those are on one basic template.  I have no expertise to
advice on the choice of greys, but I do like MetaPost. I have created
a basic metapost encoding of your logo7, and placed it at

Here's a traced bezier curve (inkscape) of the potrace result:


And now it is easy to play with:


Next step would be actually turn out some badges/logo/icon images to be
used on haskell.org ...

Cool! Actually, Jared Updike is already working on doing that programmatically. He made an Asymptote (http://asymptote.sourceforge.net/ ) script that can also generate the different variants (lambda on top or not, etc.) which he hopes to turn into a Haskell-to-SVG+ASY program soon.

Stay tuned! :)


Eelco Lempsink

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