On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 12:42 -0700, Jason Dagit wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Maciej Piechotka <uzytkown...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Iteratee-compress provides compressing and decompressing enumerators.
> > Currently only gzip is provided but at least bzip is planned.
> >
> > Additionally more fine-control over stream (i.e. flushing) is planned.
> >
> > ----
> > Library currently depends on zlib haskell library only for sharing
> > parameters data. However no zlib function is called (the needed
> > functions are not exported) and the symbols it uses from necessity are
> > deprecated. Would it be better to copy the parameters from zlib and drop
> > the dependency?
> I'd prefer to see you add zlib support and keep the dependency :)
> Jason

Sorry if I was misunderstood. There are two possible ways:

 - Sharing only 'data CompressParam', 'data DecompressParam', 'data
Format' etc.. However as I need to get the parameters from library it
would require zlib (haskell) < 0.7 (symbols are going to be hidden in
0.7 and Format & co. is not member of Eq class)
 - I copy 'data CompressParam', 'data DecompressParam' and 'data Format'
from zlib (haskell) library making iteratee-compress independent of

The only difference is that CompressParam from zlib library would not
work as parameter to zlib and vice-versa.

In both cases zlib (format) support is present.


PS. Sorry for confusion but 'zlib' may refer to
- Format
- C library that handles zlib format
- Haskell library that uses C library to handle zlib format

In any case format will be used with help of C library. The Haskell zlib
library code cannot be used as iteratee-compress requires much more
low-level API. However it can share types of configuration format.

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