> The GHC Team is pleased to announce a new major release of GHC, 7.2.1.

Thank you!

I have done a test build of 7.2.1 for Fedora:


You can download the binary packages for example like this for 2 weeks:
$ lftp http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/scratch/petersen/task_3267317/
> mget *.[x86_64|i686].rpm
$ sudo rpm -Uvh ghc*-10.fc17.[x86_64|i686].rpm

The test results with system libffi are the same as I reported earlier
except for 1 unexpected failure on x86_64:

   ghci/should_run  3171 [bad stdout] (normal)

I expect Fedora will ship ghc-7.[24] in Fedora 17,
but we won't start work on that until F16 is near done
(F16 is due to ship at the beginning of Nov).
By that time hopefully progress will also have been
made on haskell-platform-2011.4.

Cheers, Jens

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