The Programming Languages Group of Ghent University invites applicants
for a PhD position. This position centers around the modular treatment
of side-effects in purely functional programs and models. It is part
of the project "Modular handling of effects in purely functional
programs and models" under the direction of Tom Schrijvers.

The successful applicant has a master degree in Computer Science or
equivalent. Ideally, she/he will also have a strong, documented
interest in doing research. Strong problem-solving and programming
skills are essential. Prior knowledge of purely functional programming
(e.g., Haskell) and models of side-effects (e.g., monads) is an

The PhD position is for 4 years. It starts between January and October
2012. The position is a fully-funded post. The salary is compatible
with other Belgian PhD rates and among the better ones in Europe and

For more information, see:

prof. dr. ir. Tom Schrijvers

Programming Languages Group
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Ghent

Krijgslaan 281 S9
9000 Gent
Phone: +32 9 264 4805

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