[Apologies for multiple copies...]

 * Submission deadline extended until July 1 *


              WLPE 2012 - CALL FOR PAPERS

           Workshop on Logic-based Methods in
                 Programming Environments

            (satellite workshop of ICLP 2012)

                    September 8, 2012
                    Budapest, Hungary


The workshop aims at providing an informal meeting for researchers
working on logic-based tools for development and analysis of programs.
In addition to papers describing more conceptual work on environmental
tools, we solicit papers describing the implementation of and
experimentation with such tools.

We hope to attain the same friendly atmosphere as in past workshops, which
enabled fruitful exchanges leading to joint research and subsequent

Areas particularly relevant to the workshop include:

 * static and dynamic analysis
 * debugging and testing
 * program verification and validation
 * code generation from specifications
 * termination and non-termination analysis
 * reasoning on occurs-check freeness and determinacy
 * frameworks and resources for sharing in the logic programming community
 * profiling and performance analysis
 * type- and mode analysis
 * shape, point-to and escape analysis
 * module systems
 * optimization tools
 * program understanding
 * refactoring
 * logical meta-languages

Note that this list is not exhaustive and, if you are interested in
taking part in the workshop but unsure if your work falls within its
scope, do contact the organisers who will be happy to advise.

The 22nd Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments
will take place in Budapest, Hungary, as a satellite workshop
of ICLP 2012, the 28the International Conference on Logic Programming.
This workshop will continue the series of successful international
workshops on logic programming environments held in Ohio, USA (1989),
Eilat, Israel (1990), Paris, France (1991), Washington, USA (1992),
Vancouver, Canada (1993), Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy (1994),
Portland, USA (1995), Leuven, Belgium and Port Jefferson, USA (1997),
Las Cruces, USA (1999), Paphos, Cyprus (2001), Copenhagen, Denmark
(2002), Mumbai, India (2003), Saint Malo, France (2004), Sitges,
Spain (2005), Seattle, Washington USA (2006), Porto, Portugal (2007),
Udine, Italy (2008), Pasadena, USA (2009), Edinburgh, UK (2010), and
Odense, Denmark (2011).

This year WLPE will be coordinated with CICLOPS. In particular, there will
be two special events organised: (a) SWI-25, a celebration and
retrospective of the open source SWI-Prolog engine on the occasion of
its 25th birthday, and (b) OpenPL, an event on (1) coordinating
efforts towards furthering cross-engine compatibility, with a focus on
libraries and add-on packages, and (2) the creation of a user-contributing
repository of Prolog code.

Submission guidelines

We encourage the submission of original research in the area as well as
relevant results that have been submitted, rejected, or accepted elsewhere
as long as they are relevant for the WLPE community.

All papers must be written in English and should not exceed 15 pages. We
welcome also shorter submissions, e.g., extended abstracts and short
papers, of at least 3 pages.

Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission page:


An informal proceedings will be distributed electronically at the workshop.
After the workshop, the proceedings will be publicly available on-line in
the Computing Research Repository (CoRR).

Important dates

 Submission:   July 1, 2012
 Notification: July 16, 2012
 Camera-ready: July 27, 2012
 Workshop:     September 8, 2012

Workshop organizers

    Win Vanhoof
    Faculty of Computer Science
    University of Namur
    Namur, Belgium
    Email: wlpe2...@dsic.upv.es

    Alicia Villanueva
    Department of Computer Science (DSIC)
    Universitat Politècnica de València
    Valencia, Spain
    Email: wlpe2...@dsic.upv.es

Program committee

Salvador Abreu  Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Petra Hofstedt  University of Technology Berlin, Germany
Jacob Howe      City University London, UK
Yoshitaka Kameya        Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Roland Kaminski         Universität Postdam, Germany
Lunjin Lu       Oakland University, USA
Alexander Serebrenik    Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Peter Schneider-Kamp    University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Zoltan Somogyi  University of Melbourne, Australia
Win Vanhoof     University of Namur, Belgium
Alicia Villanueva       Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Damiano Zanardini       Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

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