As a Haskell novice I really appreciate the effort to put this together and
look forward to seeing more of them. The video is high production quality
and the pacing was fast enough that I didn't get too bored, even though I
already had a pretty good understanding of the Haskell that was covered.

It might be worth saying in the metadata somewhere (title, description,
whatever) that a lot of what is actually covered here is how Pandoc uses
Parsec. I think that this content of this video would be helpful to anyone
just starting out with Parsec, but they would probably only find it by
accident as-is.

What I got most out of the video was just watching someone else's workflow.
I think it would be helpful to some if you had some supplementary links in
the description of the video that could help someone reproduce it locally.
For example:

- In the video it's not stated that "cabal install pandoc" (or equivalent)
had already happened, and that this step is totally independent of the git
- A link to hasktags and perhaps even a link to documentation about Emacs
TAGS might be helpful. I don't think this is a feature that all Emacs users
are proficient with.
- Having a PS1 prompt that contained the exit code from the last command
was really clever, I hadn't seen that before. I'm sure some people would be
interested in what the bashrc for that prompt looks like.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Chris Forno <> wrote:

> I've just uploaded a video walking through
> some of the source code for Pandoc. I plan to
> create more videos like it (on Pandoc and other
> open source/free software projects), and I'd
> appreciate your feedback.
> v=FEFETKhhq8w&feature=youtube_gdata_play
> er
> I think Haskell is particularly well-suited for this
> type of study:
> - The code tends to be concise, and parts can
> usually be analyzed in isolation thanks to
> explicit state.
> - Even after 10 years of exposure to Haskell I
> feel like I still have much to learn about
> idiomatic style from the writings of others.
> - I've run across the same misconceptions
> about Haskell in the professional world (and
> had some myself in the beginning), and would
> like more people to see what Haskell really is
> like outside of papers and blog posts.
> Please let me know if there are other projects
> you'd like to see me cover. Thanks.
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