Hey Kazu,

I added GHC's PSQ to the benchmark, the new figures are on

No, it does not stack overflow, and it seems to perform slightly better
than the other implementations; it also doesn't suffer from the toList
slowness problem as does listlike.

However, it is probably not as generally usable as it hardcodes the
priorities to be Doubles.

(So far I only benchmark really trivial things and the other functions
could be benchmarked as well.)


On 29/03/13 06:16, Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) wrote:
> Hi Niklas,
>> * PSQueue throws a stack space overflow if you try to put in 100000
>> * Ints
> A slightly different implementation is used in GHC:
>       https://github.com/ghc/packages-base/blob/master/GHC/Event/PSQ.hs
> Could you test it? If this code also has the same problem, I need to
> fix it.
> --Kazu

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