[Please forward to suitable candidates.  Thanks! Kevin.]

We have eight funded research scholarships available under the University of St 
Andrews Seventh Century scheme.
These are open to students from any country, and pay fees as well as 
maintenance.  The deadline for applications is March
31st 2014, but it's good to apply earlier.

We have an active group of about ten academic academics, postdoctoral research 
fellows and postgraduate students
working on a variety of topics.  We'd welcome applicants who are interested in 
any aspect of functional programming
and related areas, including:

Parallel Functional programming; Heterogeneous multicores (including CPU/GPU 
combinations); Refactoring; Patterns of computation;
Machine-Learning; Compilation; Real-time functional programming (e.g. in Hume); 
Semantics of Programming Languages;
Functional cloud computing;  Functional Programming and Security; Dependent 
Types; Effects and other extra-functional properties;
Relaxed memory consistency; Multicore programming; Formal concurrency models; 
Concurrency verification; Application of functional ideas to other paradigms,
including C and C++.  We work with various functional languages including 
Haskell, Erlang, idris, OCAML, Hume and F#. 

We have excellent links with both academic and industry, and are coordinating 
the EU Framework 7 ParaPhrase project,
which involves 13 partners from 8 European countries: 

Please contact me to discuss possible project ideas.  Applications should be 
made through:


When applying, please indicate that you would like to apply for 7th Century 

Best Wishes,


Kevin Hammond, Professor of Computer Science, University of St Andrews

T: +44-1334 463241   F: +44-1334-463278    W: http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~kh

In accordance with University policy on electronic mail, this email reflects 
the opinions of the individual concerned, may contain confidential or copyright 
information that should not be copied or distributed without permission, may be 
of a private or personal nature unless explicitly indicated otherwise, and 
should not under any circumstances be taken as an official statement of 
University policy or procedure (see http://www.st-and.ac.uk).

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532

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