We have two vacancies at St Andrews.  These are fixed term (3 years), but we 
are likely to have permanent positions in time.
We are looking for good researchers.  I would welcome applications from the 
functional programming community.
The deadline is June 29th.  See: 


for details.

Best Wishes,

PS   If you are sending mail to k...@cs.st-andrews.ac.uk, you may get a bounce 
message.  I should still have received your email despite the error message.  
For future mail, the best and most reliable email address to use is 
ke...@kevinhammond.net -please update your address book.


Kevin Hammond, Professor of Computer Science, University of St Andrews

T: +44-1334 463241   F: +44-1334-463278    W: http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~kh

In accordance with University policy on electronic mail, this email reflects 
the opinions of the individual concerned, may contain confidential or copyright 
information that should not be copied or distributed without permission, may be 
of a private or personal nature unless explicitly indicated otherwise, and 
should not under any circumstances be taken as an official statement of 
University policy or procedure (see http://www.st-and.ac.uk).

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532

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