I like the suggestion of a flag. For any realistic compilation you
have to pass a large number of flags to GHC anyway. `stack`, `cabal`
or so on can choose to pass the additional flag by default if they
wish or make it more ergonomic to do so.
On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 7:58 PM Jared Weakly <jwea...@pdx.edu> wrote:
> The main problem I see with this is now N tools need to implement support for 
> that flag and it will need to be configured for every tool separately. If we 
> standardize on a tool pragma in the compiler, all that stays automatic as it 
> is now (a huge plus for tooling, which should as beginner friendly as 
> possible). It also, in my eyes, helps enforce a cleaner distinction between 
> pragmas as a feature-gate and pragmas as a compiler/tooling directive
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018, 11:13 AM Vladislav Zavialov <vlad.z.4...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> What about introducing -fno-warn-pragma=XXX? People who use HLint will add 
>> -fno-warn-pragma=HLINT to their build configuration.
>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018, 20:51 Ben Gamari <b...@smart-cactus.org> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Recently Neil Mitchell opened a pull request [1] proposing a single-line
>>> change: Adding `{-# HLINT ... #-}` to the list of pragmas ignored by the
>>> lexer. I'm a bit skeptical of this idea. Afterall, adding cases to the
>>> lexer for every tool that wants a pragma seems quite unsustainable.
>>> On the other hand, a reasonable counter-argument could be made on the
>>> basis of the Haskell Report, which specifically says that
>>> implementations should ignore unrecognized pragmas. If GHC did this
>>> (instead of warning, as it now does) then this wouldn't be a problem.
>>> Of course, silently ignoring mis-typed pragmas sounds terrible from a
>>> usability perspective. For this reason I proposed that the following
>>> happen:
>>>  * The `{-# ... #-}` syntax be reserved in particular for compilers (it
>>>    largely already is; the Report defines it as "compiler pragma"
>>>    syntax). The next Report should also allow implementations to warn in
>>>    the case of unrecognized pragmas.
>>>  * We introduce a "tool pragma" convention (perhaps even standardized in
>>>    the next Report). For this we can follow the model of Liquid Haskell:
>>>    `{-@ $TOOL_NAME ... @-}`.
>>> Does this sound sensible?
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Ben
>>> [1] https://github.com/ghc/ghc/pull/204
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