Edinburgh is one of a few places in the world that teaches functional
programming to first-year students, specifically Haskell.

This year, our Haskell course for first-year's will be delivered
remotely. Last year's class was 400 students, this year we expect
more. In the past we've had trouble locating enough high-quality
tutors. The unique situation offers us a new possibility: recruit
tutors from elsewhere. Please get in touch if:

(a) You might yourself be interested.

(b) You know of folk who might be interested or could forward an
announcement to a suitable mailing list.

Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation (INF1A/FP)

Role: Tutor

Description: Tutors required from week 1 to week 11 (Monday 21
September -- Friday 4 December) to assist in weekly one-hour
ten-person tutorial sessions to review and mark solutions to exercises
prepared by students in advance of the tutorial, to facilitate group
work, and to answer questions about the material covered in the
course. Tutors will be paid for 3 hours/week: 1 for preparation, 1 for
marking, and 1 for the online tutorial session (£15.52/hour * 3 hours
* 11 weeks).  In the past, we have had trouble recruiting a sufficient
number of capable tutors. This year, we will take advantage of remote
delivery to recruit tutors from both within and without Edinburgh.
Tutorials are expected to be on Thursdays and Fridays each
week. Wadler will monitor tutorials, and expects to be in a position
to write letters of recommendation after the course, if required.

Skills: Good knowledge of functional programming, preferably in
Haskell, and of basic finite state machines and propositional logic;
such as might be had by a 3rd or 4th year undergraduate or a
postgraduate student. Ability to communicate enthusiasm for the
subject and encourage students new to university to engage in and
contribute to tutorials.  Tutors need to supply appropriate
encouragement and support for all students, from those who are
struggling to those who are coping easily and want to learn more.

To apply: Send email to wad...@inf.ed.ac.uk. Include one paragraph on
your background and why you would do a good job teaching the course.
Please include any relevant documentation, such as a copy of your

I look forward to hearing from you! Go well, -- P

.   \ Philip Wadler, Professor of Theoretical Computer Science,
.   /\ School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
.  /  \ and Senior Research Fellow, IOHK
. http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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