Dear Ben,

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 07:35:57AM -0400, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 16:20:59 +1000, Róman Joost wrote:
> > Btw. I'm also happy to do some reviewing. The last once I was interested
> > in tho were missing updated spec files (the ones posted ended up in a
> > 404).
> Yeah, sorry about that. My hosting admin hasn't responded about hooking
> up the vhost. I also haven't had time for Fedora much at all lately
> either :( . I'll try and upload the packages I have reviews for to fp.o
> and that have been pinged this weekend (Sunday is probably the earliest
> you'll see them).
No reason to be sorry. I also have sporadic peaks of spare time I can
spent on some of these, so don't worry. Thank you for filing the reviews
in the first place.

Kind Regards,
Róman Joost
Senior Software Engineer, Products & Technologies Operations (Brisbane)
Red Hat

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