On 2012-05-14, at 05:03, Peter Corlett wrote:
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 07:35:39PM -0500, Peter da Silva wrote:
Like "*x" for indirection. Even Dennis agrees that was a mistake. He said
that by the time he noticed it there were three sites using "C" so they
thought it was probably too late to fix it.

I heard the "there were three sites using it" story about why the precedence
of && and || are wrong. Trust Perl to come up with a rather special way of
fixing *that* one.

Thinking back, I may be mixing up another "three sites" story with the 
conversation I had with him, but he did mention some small number of installations by 
today's standards. Or he could have told that story so many times that he automatically 
used that same number.

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