I downloaded the T1w and tfMRI_MOTOR preprocessed data via the Q1 data 
release web interface for an individual. Using the Connectome Workbench 
I can open the native-space anatomy, including cifti labels, and the 
MNI-space 4d functional timeseries (e.g. tfMRI_MOTOR_LR.nii.gz) outside 
the Workbench.

I would like to extract the coordinates/grayordinates corresponding to 
an anatomical structure included in the cifti label file (e.g. BA1), 
then extract the functional timeseries corresponding to those 
coordinates/grayordinates. In other words, I would like to use the (e.g. 
BA1) label as a native-space mask for the functional data.

Is this possible with the current release, or do I need to use a ROI 
derived from a standard MNI-space atlas? Or convert the cifti labels in 
the workbench to a standard MNI-space NIfTI? Is the preprocessed 
functional data available in native space?


Joset A. Etzel, Ph.D.
Research Analyst
Cognitive Control & Psychopathology Lab
Washington University in St. Louis
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