All users of HCP data:

We are pleased to announce that the HCP is preparing to release data on 500
Subjects in mid/late May 2014. Before the release, we wanted to make you
aware of some important considerations:

*       All 500 Subjects MRI data are being processed with an updated
version of the HCP pipelines (v3.1) incorporating several improvements,
including a new surface-based alignment method that improves cross-subject
registration (Robinson et al., in revision, see Robinson et al. 2013
luaGP0A&sig2=Vk0UlBx7YQcAAex8dfcBjQ&bvm=bv.65058239,d.aWc>  for a preview)
*       500 Subjects data will include MRI and behavioral data for subjects
previously released in Q1-Q3, and in the MEG1 release, plus additional
subjects collected in Q4-Q6

When the 500 Subjects data are released:

*       MRI data for all subjects in ConnectomeDB will reflect the switch to
v3.1 processing
*       new orders of Connectome in a Box will include v3.1 processed MRI

Due to the processing changes, we recommend that previously released Q1-Q3
MR data not be mixed in analyses with the 500 Subjects MR data (processed
with the new v3.1 pipelines). Remember to be sure to keep track of version
numbers when analyzing HCP data.

If you will need any of the Q1-Q3 v2.0 processed data that is currently
available for download from ConnectomeDB <> ,
we suggest you download it before May 15, 2014.

Please let us know if you have any questions
( Join the hcp-users list here
<> .

We hope you are looking forward to the release!


The WU-Minn HCP Consortium



Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Outreach Coordinator, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
 <tel:314-362-9387> 314-362-9387


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