Hi Chao,

Again, I recommend that you join the HCP-Users email list where topics like
this are discussed-- join here:


1) 91282 are the surface vertices for RH and LH, plus the subcortical
voxels. 1200 are the timepoints. The wb_command -file-information  command
will give you a summary of the mapping in the file. See


2) Yes, I believe the data in rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas_hp2000_clean.dtseries.nii
can be used straight, but you might want to concatenate across all the runs
of the subject before you do further processing, see
for advice on how to do that.


3) wb_view can read label or metric files in GIFTI or CIFTI formats
(*.dlabel, *dscalar) that map data on the surface, but could you tell us
more about how you are doing your clustering so that we can give you the
right commands to create the appropriate files? 


4) See 1)


I’m forwarding the thread to the list so that others there can confirm/add
to the discussion.





Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Outreach Coordinator, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110


From: Chao Liu [mailto:chao....@brunel.ac.uk] 
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 6:12 AM
To: Jennifer Elam
Subject: Re: [HCP-Info] [Contact Form]: Model free analysis methods for
neuroimaging data (e.g. fMRI)


Hi Jennifer,


Thank you very much for your kind help! All the information you provided are
very helpful. And now I can load the dtseries data into Matlab according to
your instructions. In oder to make sure what I get was right, I am wondering
could you please help point out whether the following facts I got are right?


For subject 100307 resting state fMRI data
rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas_hp2000_clean.dtseries.nii (under folder


1) I got a 91282 by 1200 matrix. The 91282 are the voxels and the 1200 are
the corresponding time series points. 

2) The above loaded data can be straightly used without applying further
preprocessing (for model free analysis such as clustering). 


Now the data can be loaded and analysed. The final thing for a complete
analysis is the results visualisation. For example, if I use clustering
method to group the above 91282 voxels into clusters with members in each
cluster having similar BOLD patterns. Then I would like to visualize these
clusters (one cluster one color) using wb_view tool. So:


1) What’s the format of input should be given to wb_view so that it can plot
the colorful patches on the brain model for the dtseries.nii data?

2) How to get the information (such as brain area name, hemisphere) for each
voxel of 91282 using some matlab functions or wb_command rather than using
the wb_view GUI?


Thank you very much for your time and please feel free to use the contents
in my email in your FAQ section if you find them helpful to other





On 16 Oct 2014, at 17:32, Jennifer Elam <el...@pcg.wustl.edu> wrote:


Hi Chao,

First, I recommend that you join the HCP-Users email list where topics like
this are discussed-- join  <http://humanconnectome.org/contact/#subscribe>


There is a specific thread with attached matlab functions that you can use
for importing CIFTI files (e.g., *.dtseries.nii) into matlab:


Here¹s also some more detailed instructions that do the same thing as the
ciftiopen and ciftisave code attached in the above thread:


You need a couple of prerequisites:


1) Workbench v1.0 (available
<http://humanconnectome.org/software/get-connectome-workbench.html> here)
needs to be installed on the system

2) A matlab set of functions called the GIFTI toolbox by Guillaume Flandin (


To convert and load a file into MATLAB, you do the following (in MATLAB to
make things convenient)


1) system(['wb_command -cifti-convert -to-gifti-ext ' NAME_OF_FILE ' '

2) GIFTI_FILE = gifti([SOME_RANDOM_FILE_NAME '.gii']);

3) CIFTI = GIFTI_FILE.cdata;



What the steps do:

1) Converts the NIFTI-2 file type to a GIFTI external file.

2) Loads the gifti external filetype from (1) into MATLAB

3) "Read-out" the Cifti timeseries from gifti external "structure"

4) Delete temporary files made to read in.


To save out the Cifti timeseries in an easy way:

1) GIFTI_FILE.cdata = CIFTI_modified

2) save(CIFTI_modified,[OUTPUTNAME '.gii'],'ExternalFileBinary');

3) system(['wb_command -cifti-convert -from-gifti-ext ' OUTPUTNAME '.gii'
OUTPUTNAME '.dtseries.nii']);

4) delete([OUTPUTNAME '.gii'],[OUTPUTNAME '.dat']);


What the steps do:

1) Load the modified cifti file back into the gifti "structure" for easy

2) Save the gifti as a gifti external binary

3) Use wb_command (in MATLAB) to convert from BLAHBLAH.gii to

4) Delete the intermediary .gii and .dat files



Let me know which of these you find most helpful. I am currently writing
this up for a FAQ page and it would help to have your feedback.






Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.

Outreach Coordinator, Human Connectome Project

Washington University School of Medicine

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Box 8108

660 South Euclid Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63110


 <mailto:el...@pcg.wustl.edu> el...@pcg.wustl.edu

 <http://www.humanconnectome.org/> www.humanconnectome.org



-----Original Message-----
From:  <mailto:info-boun...@humanconnectome.org>
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mailto:info-boun...@humanconnectome.org] On Behalf Of
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Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:33 AM
To:  <mailto:i...@humanconnectome.org> i...@humanconnectome.org
Subject: [HCP-Info] [Contact Form]: Model free analysis methods for
neuroimaging data (e.g. fMRI)


Name: Chao Liu 


Email:  <mailto:chao....@brunel.ac.uk> chao....@brunel.ac.uk


Subject: [Contact Form]: Model free analysis methods for neuroimaging data
(e.g. fMRI)




I feel very lucky to have the change to explore the open accessed HCP data
which is a great project. I am wondering if there is a straightforward way
to load the 4D data into matlab environment (e.g. compact rfMRI nii file) to
let my methods applied. I have tried several tools like SPM and FSL to load
those nii file but none of them worked. I would really appreciate any help!


Thank you very much.





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