
Dear Experts,

I have a follow up question regarding this earlier thread about 
Fix-preprocessed rs-fMRI data.


There are 4 runs for the fix data each consisting of a 15 minute resting state 
.nii volume file:

Rest1: LR

Rest1: RL

Rest2: LR

Rest2: RL

>From the earlier thread it seems like all 4 runs should be concatenated?  In 
>other words, I should combine all 4 15 minute runs into a single 60 minute 
>run?  Or, should I merge them to make a single 15 minute run?

I do not understand what to do with the 4 runs.

There is a PNAS paper where they simply chose one of the 15 minute runs (Rest2: 
LR): http://www.pnas.org/content/111/28/10341.full.pdf

Is this acceptable?  Or, is it absolutely necessary to 
combine/concatenate/merge (I don't know what the proper term/operation is 
here!) the 4 runs?



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