To investigators who have been using HCP physiological monitoring data:


In preparation for the HCP 900 subjects data release, we have identified
previously unknown timing errors in the in the processed physiological log
files (e.g., rfMRI_REST1_RL_Physio_log.txt). One known bug in the processing
code caused an offset between 25ms and 50ms in the respiratory monitoring
data. More critically, some physiological data files created by the Siemens
PMU were "malformed" in a manner that was not anticipated by our processing
code. These malformed files caused variable offsets in timing, sometimes
amounting to hundreds of milliseconds.


We have decided to take several steps to remedy these timing issues in HCP
physiological monitoring data:

.         First, we will contact a small group of external "beta testers" to
assist with the processing of HCP physiological monitoring information. This
group will be asked to review the raw data files created by the Siemens
Connectom PMU, and the existing HCP processing code, to help identify and
remedy any issues that may result in timing inaccuracies. 

.         Second, we will correct known timing issues for all scans,
including those previously released as part of the 500 Subjects data
release, those slated for release as part of the 900 Subjects data release,
and pulse oximetry data that was collected during diffusion MRI scans. The
corrected processed physiological log files will be released in a patch that
can be downloaded at some point after the 900 Subjects data release. (We do
not yet have a projected release date for this patch.)

.         Third, we have opted to release the raw physiological monitoring
files created by the Siemens PMU. This will allow external researchers to
integrate the physiological timing information into their existing
processing pipelines. These files will be accompanied by documentation
describing known information about the timing and processing of those files.
(We do not yet have a projected release date for these files.)


Please let us know if you would be interested in helping to beta test the
raw physiological data by emailing


Once again, we apologize to any investigators whose research has been
impacted by this problem.



The WU-Minn HCP Consortium 



Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Outreach Coordinator, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
 <tel:314-362-9387> 314-362-9387


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