Also, here is another place you can look, when Q's like this come up:

Michael Harms, Ph.D.

Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
660 South Euclid Ave.Tel: 314-747-6173
St. Louis, MO  63110Email:

On 11/3/15 8:19 AM, "Donna Dierker" <> wrote:

Hi Niklas,

I found this note here:
> IMPORTANT: Subjects 209733 and 528446 removed from ConnectomeDB.
> Second-level QC revealed two Q2 subjects, 209733 and 528446, with
>structural brain abnormalities, specifically gray matter heterotopia,
>that affect the functional and structural connectivity of these subjects.
>All data from these subjects has been removed from ConnectomeDB and we
>recommend that data from these subjects NOT be used in analyses. These
>subjects were included in the Unrelated 40, Unrelated 80, and Related 120
>groups on ConnectomeDB and were part of Connectome in a Box distributions
>until May 2014.

Jenn can no longer say I never look at the documentation. ;-)


On Nov 3, 2015, at 3:51 AM, Niklas Kasenburg <>

> Hi Michael,
> thanks for the quick help. That indeed solved my problem!
> On another note a question to the whole HCP community:
> I realised that when choosing 40 subjects, there is only data
> for 38. I have data from a previous release (Q3) that included
> all 40 subjects. So I was wondering if there is any reason
> that these two subjects (ID: 528446 and 209733) were removed.
> Best,
> Niklas
> On 28/10/15 16:43, Harms, Michael wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If you download the "Structural Extended Preprocessed" package for each
>>subject you want, you'll get the actual FS output files, in the FS
>>output directory structure.
>> cheers,
>> -MH
>> --
>> Michael Harms, Ph.D.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
>> Washington University School of Medicine
>> Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
>> 660 South Euclid Ave.  Tel: 314-747-6173
>> St. Louis, MO  63110  Email:
>> From: Niklas Kasenburg <>
>> Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 10:31 AM
>> To: "" <>
>> Subject: [HCP-Users] Running TRACULA on the HCP data
>> Dear HCP experts,
>> I want to run TRACULA (included in Freesurfer) on a couple of subjects
>>from the HCP data
>> using the preprocessed diffusion data. However, to be able to run
>>TRACULA you need to
>> have run recon-all on the structural data of the same subject. Since
>>the HCP data was
>> processed with Freesurfer, I was wondering if I can avoid this step (to
>>save time).
>> So I tried to find out which files I need from the recon-all output,
>>which are the following:
>> $SUBJECTS_DIR/<subject_id>/mri
>>     ../orig.mgz
>>     ../brain.mgz
>>     ../aparc+aseg.mgz
>>     ../brainmask.mgz
>>     ../ribbon.mgz
>>     ../filled.mgz
>>     ../aseg.mgz
>> $SUBJECTS_DIR/<subject_id>/surf
>>     ../{l,r}.white
>>     ../{l,r}.pial
>> $SUBJECTS_DIR/<subject_id>/label
>>     ../{l,r}.aparc.annot
>> The first five files in $SUBJECTS_DIR/<subject_id>/mri/ should be
>>identical to the following
>> files provided in the preprocessed structural HCP data and can be
>>converted to .mgz with
>> mri_convert :
>> <subject_id>/T1w
>>     ../T1w_acpc_dc_restore.nii.gz
>>     ../T1w_acpc_dc_restore_brain.nii.gz
>>     ../aparc+aseg.nii.gz
>>     ../brainmask_fs.nii.gz
>>     ../ribbon.mgz
>> However, I wasn't able to find an equivalent for file filled.mgz,
>>aseg.mgz or files in /label. Furthermore, there are
>> multiple surface files (in T1w/Native , MNINonLinear and
>>MNINonLinear/Native) which are
>> in .gii format. Which ones should I use and how do I convert them to be
>>identical to the
>> recon-all output.
>> In summary, I would like to know if there are files provided in the HCP
>>data that are
>> identical to the files I need from recon-all and how to convert them to
>>the correct
>> format.
>> Many thanks in advance and best regards,
>> Niklas Kasenburg
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