Dear HCP developers,

Could you elaborate more on this segment of Freesurferpipeline script:

It is noted because of being compatible with freesurfer we have to
downsample our submilimeter data to 1mm resolution. The scripts uses the
following commands:

flirt -interp spline -in "$T1wImage" -ref "$T1wImage" -applyisoxfm 1 -out

applywarp --rel --interp=spline -i "$T1wImage" -r
"$T1wImageFile"_1mm.nii.gz --premat=$FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat -o

applywarp --rel --interp=nn -i "$T1wImageBrain" -r
"$T1wImageFile"_1mm.nii.gz --premat=$FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat -o

What is the purpose of those two "applywarp" commands?

can't we use sometning like the below command to get around the 1mm
resolution issue (assuming that data size is less than 255x255x255)?
*mri_convert -i <invol> -o <outvol> -iis 1 -ijs 1 -iks 1*

Also right after the applywarp commands, this line follows:
fslmaths "$T1wImageFile"_1mm.nii.gz -div $Mean -mul 150 -abs

Is this for image normalization ? and from where that "150" comes ?

Thank you!

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