Dear HCP users,

How can I check if the task related scores 
Language_Task_Story_Avg_Difficulty_Level and 
Language_Task_Math_Avg_Difficulty_Level have been switched together in HCP 
unrestricted data ? For example, where can I find the levels definition, 
because the two variables do not seem to span the same range.

I'm asking this question given the following remarks:

Story Acc has a correlation of 0.69 with Math_Diff_Lvl whereas only 0.29 with 
Math Acc has a correlation of 0.94 with Story Diff Lvl and only 0.35 with Math 
Diff Lvl.
While Story_Acc and Math have a correlation of 0.34, and Story_Diff_Lvl with 
Math Diff Lvl of 0.38.

Overall, it is coherent to observe a correlation of 0.3-0.4 between all these 
variables taking into account the literature on the subject.

However, the correlations between accuracy and difficulty level seems to be 
inverse for Story and Math.

Could you please kindly advise me if I am mistaken ?

Best regards, Yann

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