You can use -cifti-parcellate with the -method option to get the desired
type of statistic, and then use -cifti-convert -to-text to turn it into a
tab delimited or csv file.


On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 9:32 AM, Glasser, Matthew <>

> I guess that doesn’t work either.  We’ll have to wait for Tim to provide
> more suggestions…
> Peace,
> Matt.
> From: stargazy pie <>
> Date: Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 9:30 AM
> To: Matt Glasser <>
> Subject: 回复: 答复: [SPAM] 回复: [SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
>  ./wb_command -cifti-parcellate /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-
> Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_structure_preprocess/LS2001/
> MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/LS2001.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii
> /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_
> structure_preprocess/LS2001/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
> LS2001.aparc.32k_fs_LR.dlabel.nii COLUMN LS2001_average_myelin.pscalar.nii
>  ./wb_command -file-information /home/Tianjie/connectome_
> workbench/workbench/bin_rh_linux64/LS2001_average_myelin.pscalar.nii
> Name:                     /home/Tianjie/connectome_
> workbench/workbench/bin_rh_linux64/LS2001_average_myelin.pscalar.nii
> Type:                     Connectivity - Parcel Scalar
> Structure:                CortexLeft CortexRight
> Data Size:                272.00 Bytes
> Maps to Surface:          true
> Maps to Volume:           false
> Maps with LabelTable:     false
> Maps with Palette:        true
> All Map Palettes Equal:   true
> Map Interval Units:       NIFTI_UNITS_UNKNOWN
> Number of Maps:           1
> Number of Rows:           68
> Number of Columns:        1
> Volume Dim[0]:            0
> Volume Dim[1]:            0
> Volume Dim[2]:            0
> Palette Type:             Map (Unique for each map)
> CIFTI Dim[0]:             1
> CIFTI Dim[1]:             68
> ALONG_ROW map type:       SCALARS
>     Has Volume Data:      false
>     CortexLeft:           32492 vertices
>     CortexRight:          32492 vertices
>     Parcel 1:             L_bankssts
>         CortexLeft:       462 vertices
>     Parcel 2:             L_caudalanteriorcingulate
>         CortexLeft:       219 vertices
>     Parcel 3:             L_caudalmiddlefrontal
>         CortexLeft:       750 vertices
>     Parcel 4:             L_cuneus
>         CortexLeft:       330 vertices
>     Parcel 5:             L_entorhinal
>         CortexLeft:       157 vertices
>     Parcel 6:             L_fusiform
>         CortexLeft:       876 vertices
>     Parcel 7:             L_inferiorparietal
>         CortexLeft:       1785 vertices
>     Parcel 8:             L_inferiortemporal
>         CortexLeft:       875 vertices
>     Parcel 9:             L_isthmuscingulate
>         CortexLeft:       381 vertices
>     Parcel 10:            L_lateraloccipital
>         CortexLeft:       1234 vertices
>     Parcel 11:            L_lateralorbitofrontal
>         CortexLeft:       817 vertices
>     Parcel 12:            L_lingual
>         CortexLeft:       823 vertices
>     Parcel 13:            L_medialorbitofrontal
>         CortexLeft:       485 vertices
>     Parcel 14:            L_middletemporal
>         CortexLeft:       904 vertices
>     Parcel 15:            L_parahippocampal
>         CortexLeft:       263 vertices
>     Parcel 16:            L_paracentral
>         CortexLeft:       687 vertices
>     Parcel 17:            L_parsopercularis
>         CortexLeft:       604 vertices
>     Parcel 18:            L_parsorbitalis
>         CortexLeft:       170 vertices
>     Parcel 19:            L_parstriangularis
>         CortexLeft:       410 vertices
>     Parcel 20:            L_pericalcarine
>         CortexLeft:       371 vertices
>     Parcel 21:            L_postcentral
>         CortexLeft:       1903 vertices
>     Parcel 22:            L_posteriorcingulate
>         CortexLeft:       525 vertices
>     Parcel 23:            L_precentral
>         CortexLeft:       2111 vertices
>     Parcel 24:            L_precuneus
>         CortexLeft:       1501 vertices
>     Parcel 25:            L_rostralanteriorcingulate
>         CortexLeft:       206 vertices
>     Parcel 26:            L_rostralmiddlefrontal
>         CortexLeft:       1433 vertices
>     Parcel 27:            L_superiorfrontal
>         CortexLeft:       2486 vertices
>     Parcel 28:            L_superiorparietal
>         CortexLeft:       2053 vertices
>     Parcel 29:            L_superiortemporal
>         CortexLeft:       1410 vertices
>     Parcel 30:            L_supramarginal
>         CortexLeft:       1553 vertices
>     Parcel 31:            L_frontalpole
>         CortexLeft:       72 vertices
>     Parcel 32:            L_temporalpole
>         CortexLeft:       166 vertices
>     Parcel 33:            L_transversetemporal
>         CortexLeft:       185 vertices
>     Parcel 34:            L_insula
>         CortexLeft:       1100 vertices
>     Parcel 35:            R_bankssts
>         CortexRight:      367 vertices
>     Parcel 36:            R_caudalanteriorcingulate
>         CortexRight:      217 vertices
>     Parcel 37:            R_caudalmiddlefrontal
>         CortexRight:      738 vertices
>     Parcel 38:            R_cuneus
>         CortexRight:      332 vertices
>     Parcel 39:            R_entorhinal
>         CortexRight:      166 vertices
>     Parcel 40:            R_fusiform
>         CortexRight:      924 vertices
>     Parcel 41:            R_inferiorparietal
>         CortexRight:      1748 vertices
>     Parcel 42:            R_inferiortemporal
>         CortexRight:      840 vertices
>     Parcel 43:            R_isthmuscingulate
>         CortexRight:      390 vertices
>     Parcel 44:            R_lateraloccipital
>         CortexRight:      1131 vertices
>     Parcel 45:            R_lateralorbitofrontal
>         CortexRight:      850 vertices
>     Parcel 46:            R_lingual
>         CortexRight:      853 vertices
>     Parcel 47:            R_medialorbitofrontal
>         CortexRight:      517 vertices
>     Parcel 48:            R_middletemporal
>         CortexRight:      971 vertices
>     Parcel 49:            R_parahippocampal
>         CortexRight:      296 vertices
>     Parcel 50:            R_paracentral
>         CortexRight:      764 vertices
>     Parcel 51:            R_parsopercularis
>         CortexRight:      509 vertices
>     Parcel 52:            R_parsorbitalis
>         CortexRight:      209 vertices
>     Parcel 53:            R_parstriangularis
>         CortexRight:      489 vertices
>     Parcel 54:            R_pericalcarine
>         CortexRight:      344 vertices
>     Parcel 55:            R_postcentral
>         CortexRight:      1848 vertices
>     Parcel 56:            R_posteriorcingulate
>         CortexRight:      515 vertices
>     Parcel 57:            R_precentral
>         CortexRight:      2074 vertices
>     Parcel 58:            R_precuneus
>         CortexRight:      1489 vertices
>     Parcel 59:            R_rostralanteriorcingulate
>         CortexRight:      176 vertices
>     Parcel 60:            R_rostralmiddlefrontal
>         CortexRight:      1508 vertices
>     Parcel 61:            R_superiorfrontal
>         CortexRight:      2311 vertices
>     Parcel 62:            R_superiorparietal
>         CortexRight:      2052 vertices
>     Parcel 63:            R_superiortemporal
>         CortexRight:      1385 vertices
>     Parcel 64:            R_supramarginal
>         CortexRight:      1817 vertices
>     Parcel 65:            R_frontalpole
>         CortexRight:      58 vertices
>     Parcel 66:            R_temporalpole
>         CortexRight:      182 vertices
>     Parcel 67:            R_transversetemporal
>         CortexRight:      153 vertices
>     Parcel 68:            R_insula
>         CortexRight:      1092 vertices
> Map   Minimum   Maximum    Mean   Sample Dev   % Positive   % Negative
> Inf/NaN   Map Name
>   1     1.240     1.797   1.468        0.116      100.000        0.000
>     0   LS2001_MyelinMap
> Maybe, I need -spatial-weights flag? Where can I find corresponding
> weights file?
> Thanks.
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> *发件人:* "Glasser, Matthew";<>;
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日(星期天) 晚上10:05
> *收件人:* "stargazy pie"<>; ""<
> *主题:* Re: 答复: [SPAM] 回复: [SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> No you would need to run wb_command -cifti-parcellate to make a
> .pscalar.nii from the myelin map .dscalar.nii and then wb_command
> -file-information to get the means per area.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> From: wtj <>
> Date: Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 8:57 AM
> To: Matt Glasser <>
> Subject: 答复: [SPAM] 回复: [SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM]
> 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> What is “MEAN” column in the table? Is it what I need? It says Type is
> Connectivity-Dense Scalar, what does “Connectivity” mean?
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日 21:19
> *收件人:* stargazy pie <>;
> *主题:* Re: [SPAM] 回复: [SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> I would have thought that this would list values for all ROIs (if there
> are multiple maps in the ROI file) so we’ll have to wait for Tim Coalson to
> comment.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *stargazy pie <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 11:27 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 回复: [SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> This is what it looks like:
> [root@localhost bin_rh_linux64]# ./wb_command -cifti-stats
> /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_
> structure_preprocess/LS2001/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
> LS2001.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii -roi /home/Tianjie/connectome_
> workbench/workbench/bin_rh_linux64/mycommandlabeltoroi.dscalar.nii
> -reduce MEAN
> 1.441055
> [root@localhost bin_rh_linux64]#
> Thanks.
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> *发件人**:* "Glasser, Matthew";<>;
> *发送时间**:* 2017年4月16日(星期天) 中午12:03
> *收件人**:* "stargazy pie"<>; "
> "<>;
> *主题**:* Re: [SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM]
> 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> How about pasting it in to the e-mail.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *stargazy pie <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 10:33 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 回复:[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> It is just a float number following the -cifti-stats command. I don't
> know, but, will there be other output file anywhere else?
> Thanks.
> ---原始邮件---
> *发件人**:* "Glasser, Matthew"<>
> *发送时间**:* 2017年4月16日 11:18:32
> *收件人**:* ""<
> >;"wtj"<>;
> *主题**:* Re: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM]
> 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> What is the output of your wb_command -cifti-stats command?
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *wtj <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 9:38 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM]
> 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> What I mean is, every region of brain have different average thickness, at
> the same time, they should also have different myelin values. This is what
> I want. Sorry to bother you so late…
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日 10:34
> *收件人:* wtj <>;
> *主题:* Re: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> What is it that you want?
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *wtj <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 9:25 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复:
> [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> After extracting ROIs using wb_command –cifti-all-labels-to-rois, I got a
> table, with each ROI, I got the ROI’s minimum, maximum, mean, et al. I use
> this file :
> ./wb_command -cifti-all-labels-to-rois /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-
> Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_structure_preprocess/LS2001/
> MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/LS2001.aparc.32k_fs_LR.dlabel.nii 1
> mycommandlabeltoroi.dscalar.nii
> ./wb_command -cifti-stats /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-
> Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_structure_preprocess/LS2001/
> MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/LS2001.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii -roi
> /home/Tianjie/connectome_workbench/workbench/bin_rh_
> linux64/mycommandlabeltoroi.dscalar.nii -reduce MEAN
> The result is still just a number.
> Maybe , I sould use a file of only one ROI at a time?
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日 9:53
> *收件人:* wtj <>;
> *主题:* Re: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin
> maps
> A dlabel.nii parcellation is not an ROI, but a set of them.  You can
> extract ROIs using wb_command -cifti-all-labels-to-rois or
> -cifti-label-to-roi.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *wtj <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 8:28 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin
> maps
> Hi,
> Do you mean that I used wrong ROI file, or ROI file is not produced yet?
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日 9:11
> *收件人:* wtj <>;
> *主题:* Re: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Perhaps you need a combination of wb_command -cifti-parcellate and
> wb_command -file-information.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *wtj <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 7:59 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> What does –reduce flag mean in wb_command –cifti-stats? When I used
> –reduce MEAN, it only outputed one number. I need myelin values of every
> ROI. What should I do?
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日 8:39
> *收件人:* wtj <>;
> *主题:* Re: [SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Perhaps you should be using wb_command -cifti-stats if you don’t want to
> provide weights.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *wtj <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 7:37 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 答复: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> This is what I do:
> ./wb_command -cifti-weighted-stats /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-
> Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_structure_preprocess/LS2001/
> MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/LS2001.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii -roi
> /home/Tianjie/projects/WU-Minn_HCP_Lifespan_Pilot_Data_
> structure_preprocess/LS2001/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
> LS2001.aparc.32k_fs_LR.dlabel.nii
> ERROR: you must use exactly one of –spatial-weights or –cifti-weights.
> If I use the latter, what will the weights file’s name be like? Where can
> I find it?
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月16日 8:02
> *收件人:* wtj <>;
> *主题:* Re: [SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> You need to use appropriate files for the CIFTI and ROI arguments.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *wtj <>
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 6:32 PM
> *To: *Matt Glasser <>
> *Subject: *[SPAM] 答复: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> There is another error when I exchanged the position of –roi flag and the
> myelin map file.
> ERROR: roi-cifti is missing(No more parameters). Should I add something
> else?
> Thanks.
> *发件人:* Glasser, Matthew [ <>]
> *发送时间:* 2017年4月15日 22:25
> *收件人:* wtj <>;
> *主题:* Re: [HCP-Users] myelin maps
> You have put the myelin map where the ROI should go.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> *From: *<> on behalf of wtj <
> *Date: *Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 9:22 AM
> *To: *"" <>
> *Subject: *[HCP-Users] myelin maps
> Hi,
> I know someone has asked in mail list about extracting average myelin
> value at ROI level. My command is:
> ./wb_command –cifti-weighted-stats –roi ./LS2001/MNINonLinear/LS2001.
> MyelinMap.164k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii
> Error: cifti-in is missing(No more parameters).
> How to fix the error?
> Thanks.
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