Dear HCP experts,
I am trying to modify the group average dconn file 
(HCP_S900_820_rfMRI_MSMAll_groupPCA_d4500ROW_zcorr.dconn.nii) so that it only 
includes data from the cerebellum (even though, of course, these data will 
correspond to the connectivity of each cerebellum voxel to the rest of the 
I have tried -cifti-restrict-dense-map inputfile COLUMN outputfile -vol-roi 
("cerebellumatlas.nii" is a cerebellum volume atlas which contains values for 
the cerebellum only)
This has not worked.
I have also tried to use the -cerebellum-roi option of 
-cifti-restrict-dense-map, without writing any metric file after 
-cerebellum-roi. This also doesn't work.

Is there any way to tell wb_command that I only want to keep the cerebellar 
data, without having to include any file which indicates where the cerebellum 

Thank you very much,

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