Dear HCP experts,
I have the 33GB .dconn file, have clicked in one place in the cerebral cortex 
and now I am seeing a connectivity map in the cerebral cortex and subcortical 
structures. The map is called "Row: 27597, Node Index: 30393, Structure: 
Is it possible to access this map separately as an independent file, or to save 
this map that I am seeing as a separate cifti file?
I have been playing with "Save/Manage files" but cannot figure it out. I 
thought I could try -cifti-separate and look for the file called "Row: 27597, 
Node Index: 30393, Structure: CORTEX_LEFT", but -cifti-separate seems to 
require a lot of processing memory.

Thank you very much,

Xavier Guell Paradis, M.D.
Research Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Office: 46-4033A
Phone: (617) 324-4355

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