1.  That command for the surface is not quite what you are looking for.  For 
the surface, the left and right hemisphere vertices are already in register 
(meaning that vertices with the same number will be in the anatomically 
corresponding location).  You would need to translate between the CIFTI indices 
and the GIFTI surface indices to take advantage of that however.  The easiest 
way to do this would be to use wb_command -cifti-separate and the you can do 
operations on the resulting GIFTI files.
2.  I think if you fed wb_command -volume-resample (on the NIFTI files that 
result from wb_command -cifti-separate) a matrix with the form:

-1 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0
 0 0 1 0
 0 0 0 1

This might accomplish the left right flip in the volume, however Tim should 
confirm if he agrees.


 on behalf of Daria Jensen <dariajen...@gmail.com<mailto:dariajen...@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, September 1, 2017 at 11:47 AM
To: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>" 
Cc: Miriam Klein-Flugge 
Subject: [HCP-Users] clustering of subcortical structures - flipping and 

Dear HCP list,

We’re interested in clustering of subcortical structures in the HCP 
resting-state fMRI data and have two questions regarding the pre-processing:

1. We’re looking for a way to flip the data of the two hemispheres, including 
subcortical structures, It seems that an option exist to do his for the surface 
(-surface-flip-lr). Which procedure would you recommend for flipping the 
hemispheres of the whole brain, including the volume data?

2. Moreover, we’re thinking of applying  wb_command -cifti-smoothing to the 
individual dtseries files with a fwhm of 3mm for subcortical structures to make 
the clustering more robust. Our approach would be to smooth across subcortical 
boundaries. What would be your advice? Has anyone got advice with regards to 
the kernel size? And finally, why do we need to indicate a left and right 
surface file in the command? How are these files used the smoothing process 
(and do they have to correspond to the surface from each individual)?

Thank's a lot!

Daria Jensen

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