This is not an official HCP answer, but I always delete the following after
functional preprocessing:


MotionMatrices/*.nii.gz alone accounts for nearly 20 GB of the ~30 GB for
each 15 minute scan.


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:48 PM, Glasser, Matthew <>

> Yes that is particularly true when using the latest version of the
> pipelines.  There are also files in T2w and T1w that could be deleted, but
> will not save as much space as Mike’s suggestion.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> From: "Harms, Michael" <>
> Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 12:18 PM
> To: "Cook, Philip" <>, "
>" <>
> Cc: Matt Glasser <>
> Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Cleaning up intermediate files from the minimal
> pre-processing pipelines
> Hi,
> While the documentation is overall very good, I don’t know if I’d rely on
> that pdf for a detailed list of all the files that we recommend “keeping”.
> For that, you could download and unpack the packages for a subject with
> complete data (e.g., 100307), and see what you all get.
> As a relatively simpler clean-up, I **think** that if you keep the entire
> contents of anything in $subj/T1w and $subj/MNINonLinear that you’ll have
> most of what you need for any further downstream processing, while
> achieving substantial space savings.  i.e., Most of the intermediates in
> the fMRI processing end up in the $subj/$task directories, and I think that
> any that have been deemed important (e.g., .native.func.gii) have been
> copied to $subj/MNINonLinear/Results/$task.  @Matt: Can you confirm that?
> e.g,. For a subject from the HCP-Young Adult study, the output from the
> MPP of a single REST run (e.g., $subj/MNINonLinear/Results/rfMRI_REST1_LR)
> is about 3.7 GB, whereas the contents of $subj/rfMRI_REST1_LR are 28 GB).
> Cheers,
> -MH
> --
> Michael Harms, Ph.D.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
> Washington University School of Medicine
> Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
> 660 South Euclid Ave
> <>.
> Tel: 314-747-6173 <(314)%20747-6173>
> St. Louis, MO  63110                                          Email:
> *From: *<> on behalf of "Cook,
> Philip" <>
> *Date: *Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 11:49 AM
> *To: *"" <>
> *Subject: *[HCP-Users] Cleaning up intermediate files from the minimal
> pre-processing pipelines
> Hi,
> I am trying to reduce disk usage after running the HCP minimal
> pre-processing pipelines. I would like to clean up intermediate files but
> retain things needed for ongoing analysis. As a reference I have found a
> list of file names in
>     WU-Minn HCP 900 Subjects Data Release: Reference Manual
>     Appendix III - File Names and Directory Structure for 900 Subjects Data
> documentation/s900/HCP_S900_Release_Appendix_III.pdf
> I would like to retain these and clean up the remainder of the output. Are
> there any scripts available to help with this?
> Thanks
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