Dear HCP experts,

Hi. We just started to learn tractography between functional ROIs and met some 
problems. Our purpose is to do fibre-tracing between face-related functional 
ROIs. We got the surface ROIs (.func.gii) with HCP fMRI data and Glasser MMP 
atlas. However, in our initial try of fibre tracing, there was no streamline 
coming out from the seed ROI. Our seed and target ROIs were separately the FFA 
and OFA surface regions in the right hemisphere.

Our command was:
probtrackx2 -x /.../100307_thickness_analysis_ROI_FFA/R.2stat.func.gii 
--seedref=/.../100307/T1w/Diffusion/B0_brain.nii.gz -l -c 0.2 -S 2000 
--steplength=0.5 -P 5000 --meshspace=caret --forcedir --opd -s 
/.../100307/T1w/Diffusion.bedpostX/merged -m 
--waypoints=/.../100307_thickness_analysis_ROI_OFA_R/R.2stat.func.gii -o 

The output waytotal is 0 and the fdt_path image is empty.

My questions are as follows:
1. Why there was no streamline coming out from the seed surface ROI?
2. Is it better that we change the surface ROI to volume ROI? If so, how to 
acquire the cortical functional volume ROI with HCP data?
3. The FSL says that it now accepts surface data, does it mean we don't need to 
do transfer between surface and diffusion space and then set parameters like 
--xmf, --meshspace and --seedref?

Any guidance would be very appreciated.

Best regards,
Xinyang Liu

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