Hi there,

I'm very new to Neuroimaging but wondering if you could help me with some
issues I am having.

I want to run the ICA FIX pipeline on HCP resting state data. I wish to do
this as I would like to apply a more aggressive temporal filtering than is
already in place.

Do you have any suggestions on how to alter the script, the code already in
place has a cut off of 2000s but I wish to apply a high pass temporal
filter of 69.444 and low pass temporal filter of 0.7716.

echo "processing FMRI file $fmri with highpass $hp"

if [ $hp -gt 0 ] ; then
  echo "running highpass"
  hptr=`echo "10 k $hp 2 / $tr / p" | dc -`
  ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths $fmri -bptf $hptr -1 ${fmri}_hp$hp

I believe the correct data to run this script on is Resting State fMRI 1 &
2 Preprocessed, can you point me towards the exact files to run this on?

For this script to run successfully I believe that I first have to modify
the settings.sh file to my own environment for the ICA FIX bash script to
run, is this correct?

Thank you for your time in advance.

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