Hello dear experts

As I mentioned in an earlier message, we are trying to implement the HCP
pipelines to our data, and we have a few questions.
After some struggling, we successfully ran the PreSurfer Pipeline we tried
running the FreeSurfer Pipeline. we ran in with 'gdcoeffs' set to 'NONE',
because we don't have any file with the gradient distortion coefficients.
is that a problem?

After running the PreFreeSurfer, we tried to run the FreeSurfer pipeline,
but didn't really know what to put as the 'recon_all_seed', so we tried to
run the script without giving it any input.
The script somehow completed running "successfully", but without producing
anything really - the 'surf' folder in the subject's dir is completely
Which brings us to our question - what is the necessary input for
And another question just to make sure - the t1 and t2 images we should
give the FreeSurfer pipeline are the acc_dc_restore ones, right?

Hope to hear from you
Shachar Gal, Tel Aviv University

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