Hi and Happy Hew Year,

I have 2 questions regarding warping a volume atlas  and X,Y,Z 
coordinates of single points with the  standard2acpc_dc.nii.gz warp.

Excuse me If my questions are too naive. Here they are:

Question 1:


I would like to transform the volume atlas file


from standard space to native space using the warp


I tried using "applywarp"

'applywarp  --in=Atlas_ROIs.2.nii.gz  --ref=T1_native.nii.gz 

but in the resulting nifti there is no atlas label information .

Question 2:


I would like to take the X,Y,Z coordinates of any voxel J in the 2mm 
template volume


apply the standard2acpc_dc.nii.gz  warping to them and get the new X,Y,Z 
coordinates of J in the native space.

The reason I want to do this is to make a regular reference 2 mm grid 
from the corrdinates of the voxels of the 2mm template volume and warp 
each of the grid vertices to native space.

I made a surf.gii file containing a pseudo-surface which had as vertices 
the coordinates of all voxels of the 2mm template MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz , 
and a dummy single face:

        faces: [1 2 3]
          mat: [4×4 double]
     vertices: [902629×3 single]

I then applied

wb_command -surface-apply-warpfield  mrigrid.surf.gii 
Tfm_native2standard.nii.gz  WARPED2NATIVE_mrigrid.surf.gii -fnirt  

but I got the following error

While running:
-surface-apply-warpfield mrigrid.surf.gii Tfm_native2standard.nii.gz 
WARPED2NATIVE_mrigrid.surf.gii -fnirt Tfm_standard2native.nii.gz

ERROR: surface exceeds the bounding box of the warpfield

Is there a way to just transform any X,Y,Z of standard space to the 
corresponding X,Y,Z of Native Space.

Thank you very much for your help



Dr. Georgios Michalareas
Neuroscience Department
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

email: g...@aesthetics.mpg.de
phone: +49 69 8300479-325

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