Hello Aaron,

1. The hippocampus is a known area that FreeSurfer has a little difficulty with 
so we don’t expect perfection in that area.  The subject shown in the document 
is quite good however.

2. Yes, "good" volume distortion has fewer blobs.  The blobs are indicating 
where the individual surface was manipulated in order to register to the atlas. 
 So the fewer manipulations the better.

Hope this helps.


On Feb 13, 2019, at 12:27 AM, Aaron C 
<aaroncr...@outlook.com<mailto:aaroncr...@outlook.com>> wrote:

Dear HCP experts,

I have some questions about data quality check when using the HCP pipeline.

1. In the panel on the lower left corner on page 23 of the data quality slides 
(https://wustl.app.box.com/s/krekn5svmg4rgig2ossqqhuhcbrgg8c6), is the brain 
segmentation there missing some parts of the temporal lobe?

2. On page 25 of the slides, what's the criteria of determine "good" or "bad" 
volume distortion? Fewer number of above-threshold blobs the better?

I also have a question about structural connectome of the HCP diffusion data. 
Is there any shared script to generate parcel to parcel structural connectivity 
using Dr. Glasser's multi-modal parcellation scheme? Thank you.
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