
In the next week, The HDF Group will be rolling out several new resources, 
including a new HDF Forum to replace this mailing list. This mailing list will 
be shut down on February 21st, and all future posts should be directed to our 
new web forum at<>. We 
will be using Discourse, a widely-used, open source platform. One of the big 
benefits of Discourse is that you can customize your interaction with the forum 
in a number of ways, including
?  - signing up for mailing list mode to receive every message as an email,
?  - sending in posts and replying to posts by email, or
?  - opting to not receive any posts by email, just visiting the web forum as 

To register on the new forum, you need to have an account on our main site at<>. If you haven't registered 
yet, please do so at, then visit the forum at<> and you should be ready 
to log in and participate. Your account has been migrated using the email 
address you have subscribed to this mailing list and will be connected to your 
previous hdf-forum posts when they are imported to the new forum. If you 
register with a different email address the accounts will not be linked up and 
your preferences will not be migrated.

Current hdf-forum users have been subscribed to the forum in mailing list mode, 
which you can easily change after you log in. We hope to have the digest 
feature implemented soon and will let you know when it's ready. Take a look at 
our quickstart guide 
( for more 
information and how to set some of these preferences. Please feel free to reach 
out to<> if you have any questions or 

Thank you,

The HDF Group

Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.

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