+1 (non-binding)
Thanks,Vinod, for the time and effort you put into creating this release.

I downloaded and built the source for 2.7.0, RC0. I started a local cluster and 
ran wordcount, sleep, and streaming jobs.

In addition, I did the following:
    o I ran a distributed shell job which tested preserving containers across 
AM restarts. I did this by setting the 
-keep_containers_across_application_attempts flag and killing the first AM once 
the containers started. I checked the results by querying the timeline server 
and comparing the start and end times of the non-AM containers against the 
start and end times of the later AM containers. This verified that the non-AM 
containers started during the first AM's run and finished after the first AM 
had been killed and after the second AM had started.

    o I enabled the preemption feature and verified that containers were 
preempted from preemptable queues and not from non-preemptable ones.
    o I ran unit tests for hadoop-yarn-server-resourcemanage. All passed with 
the exception of TestFifoScheduler#testResourceOverCommit. 
    o I ran unit tests for hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager. All passed with the 
exception of TestResourceLocalizationService#testFailedDirsResourceRelease.

    o I ran unit tests for hadoop-hdfs. All passed with the exception of 
 TestBPOfferService#testBasicFunctionality, and 
  Thank you,-Eric Payne

      From: Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli <vino...@apache.org>
 To: common-...@hadoop.apache.org; hdfs-dev@hadoop.apache.org; 
yarn-...@hadoop.apache.org; mapreduce-...@hadoop.apache.org 
Cc: vino...@apache.org 
 Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 6:44 PM
 Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Hadoop 2.7.0 RC0
Hi all,

I've created a release candidate RC0 for Apache Hadoop 2.7.0.

 The RC is available at: http://people.apache.org/~vinodkv/hadoop-2.7.0-RC0/

The RC tag in git is: release-2.7.0-RC0

 The maven artifacts are available via repository.apache.org at

As discussed before
 - This release will only work with JDK 1.7 and above
 - I’d like to use this as a starting release for 2.7.x [1], depending on
how it goes, get it stabilized and potentially use a 2.7.1 in a few
weeks as the stable release.

 Please try the release and vote; the vote will run for the usual 5 days.


 [1]: A 2.7.1 release to follow up 2.7.0


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