I would be -1 to declaring the branch dead just yet. There have been 7
commits to that branch this year. I know this isn't comparable to trunk or
branch-2, but it is not negligible either.

I propose we come up with a policy for deprecating past major release
branches. May be, something along the lines of - deprecate branch-x when
release x+3.0.0 goes GA?

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Allen Wittenauer <a...@altiscale.com> wrote:

>         May we declare this branch dead and just close bugs (but not
> necessarily concepts, ideas, etc) with won’t fix?  I don’t think anyone has
> any intention of working on the 1.3 release, especially given that 1.2.1
> was Aug 2013 ….
>         I guess we need a PMC member to declare a vote or whatever….

Karthik Kambatla
Software Engineer, Cloudera Inc.

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