Hi fellow Hadoop developers,

I want to start this thread to raise the awareness of the quality of
fuse-dfs. It appears that this sub-component is not being developed and
maintained, and appears not many are using it.

In the past two years, there has been only one bug fixed (HDFS-13322).


It doesn't support keytab login, ACL permissions, rename, ... a number of
POSIX semantics. We also recently realized fuse-dfs doesn't work under
heavy weight workload (Think running SQL applications on it)

So what's the status now? Is there any one who is still using fuse-dfs in
production? Should we start the deprecation process? Or at least document
that it is not meant for anything beyond simple data transfer? IIRC vim
would even complain if you try to edit a file in fuse_dfs directory.
A very happy Hadoop contributor

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