Dear Luis

Am 04.04.2021 um 21:52 schrieb Luis Falcon:

Have you verified that the firewall is not enabled on the raspi?

In the meantime I tried to update my Raspi (the one with the image from and tried to follow the upgrade from

Unfortunately I only made the backup like described in Step 2 ("Backup your database and GNU Health directories ./gnuhealth-control backup --backdir <directory> --database <dbname> ") and did not backup the whole image.

So I failed and I have to reinstall it now from scratch, what is maybe not so bad to see where I find problems:

First problem: WLAN connection as well as cable ethernet connection seem to be established, but I  cannot connect to the internet (and therefor also to time update and general update). I tried to activate firewalld, and at System - Firewall I configured at public services http and https (checkbox). ssh and dhcpv6-client were already set. wired connection and WLAN have Default Zone: public. "Configuration" I set to "Permanent". I also tried to set the Date/Time manually to today (because from start it displays 2.2.2020), but it did not help either.

What could I try next to be able to connect to the internet?

Thank you very much!

All the best


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