Dear Stanley,
In this case I think that we should not add birth and death dates to the heading. We have two different sets of dates in the 670s provided and we would need a third source to break the conflict. We do not need to add dates to this heading because it does not conflict with any extant headings or references in the authority file.
At 12:26 PM 12/1/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Heidi wrote:
> I think that what we have here are two different
> people. The extant NAR I believe should be modified
> to
> 100 1 Abendana, Isaac
> 670 Ency. Judaica, c1972$b (Abendana, Isaac, c.
1640-> c. 1710;

If this record has to be modified anyway, might you
not want to add the dates to the 100 line, to prevent
any confusion in the future?
Or is that against some rule, or would it require
greater BFM work?


-Stanley Nachamie
 Authority Control Librarian (currently on leave)
 City University of New York

Heidi G. Lerner
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger
Catalog Dept.
Stanford Univ. Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
ph: 650-725-9953

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