Dear Heidi,

SCM H980 2. directs us to "Qualify subject headings for geographic
features or other entities that are located entirely within one of these
places [e.g., Golan] by the appropriate territory or city."

The examples provided are all geographic headings established in the
Subject Authority File, not in the LCNAF:

151 ## $a Via Dolorosa (Jerusalem)
151 ## $a Shatti (Gaza Strip : Refugee camp)
151 ## $a Qanah River Cave (West Bank)

Two notes also confirm that the qualifier is not, however, applied to
name headings:

"Note: The practice for qualifying subject headings for entities in the
West Bank or Gaza Strip differs from the practice for name headings.
Name headings for jurisdictions in those locations are not qualified."


"Note: Name headings for jurisdictions within these places are
established without qualifiers, for example, Hebron, Nablus, Gaza,

I hope that this information from the SCM is helpful.  Neverthless, one
of our name authority experts may have even more to say on this matter.

>>> "Heidi Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2/8/2008 11:58 AM >>>
Dear Group,


I would like to establish the following Moshav that is located on the
Golan Heights:



SCM H980 says that we would use Golan Heights as a subdivision directly
after topics without interposing the name of any larger geographic


We would use it as a qualifier for subject headings for geographic
features or other entities that are located entirely within 

the Golan Heigfhts 


Would this also apply to places that are established in the LC/NACO
Authority File

Please let me know if the following heading would be correct'

151  0 Eli'ad (Golan Heights)

I looked up the city of Katsrin which is located in the Golan Heights
and it does not have a qualifier.

It is established as: Qaṣrīn (n  80100078) so I am not entirely sure
how to proceed.

Thank you, Heidi

Heidi G. Lerner
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger
Catalog Dept.
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA  94305-6004
ph: 650-725-9953
fax: 650-725-1120

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