   The selected subject headings appearing here reflect only what I
thought would be relevant for my work as a cataloger.
   Entries listed after "And also" are curious or mildly funny titles
which might make you smile.
   Starting with twls0839, my comments will be sent on a separate
email; they should not be construed as official statements by the
Library of Congress or by any other member of the Hebraica cataloging
- r.


Library of Congress Subject Headings Tentative Weekly List 16 (2010)
The proposed headings and changes on this list are NOT YET APPROVED and
not yet available for use in current cataloging.

Date of editorial meeting: April 21, 2010

Library of Congress staff:
Send comments on this list to Libby Dechman, Policy and Standards
Division - Telephone: 7-4768 Email: e...@loc.gov 
SACO contributors:
Send questions or comments to your SACO liaison in the Cooperative
Programs Section.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A)
indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C)
indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries.

 150  Aliens   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85003545]
              * 550    RT Deportees
              * 550    RT Exiles
              * 550    RT Refugees

                150  Deportees   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2010001818]
              * 680       Here are entered works on aliens who are
expelled from a country. Works on persons 
        who voluntarily or involuntarily depart from their own countries
because of adverse 
        conditions are entered under Exiles.   CANCEL
              * 680       This heading may be subdivided geographically
to indicate the country of origin and/or 
        the destination of the deportees.
              * 550    RT Aliens
              * 550    RT Exiles
              * 550    RT Refugees
              * 681       Note under Exiles   CANCEL

                150  Exiles   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85046366]
              * 680       Here are entered works on persons who
voluntarily or involuntarily depart from their 
        own countries because of adverse conditions. Works on aliens who
are expelled from a 
        country are entered under Deportees.   CANCEL
              * 550    RT Aliens
              * 550    RT Deportees
              * 550    RT Political refugees   CANCEL
              * 550    RT Refugees
              * 681       Note under Deportees   CANCEL

                150  Political refugees   [May Subd Geog]   [sp
              * 550    RT Exiles   CANCEL

                150  Refugees   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85112299]
              * 680       Here are entered works on persons who have
fled from their homes or countries to live 
        elsewhere because of wars, natural disasters, political
instability, religious persecution, 
        etc. This heading may be subdivided geographically to indicate
the country of origin and/or 
        the destination of the refugees.   CANCEL
              * 680       This heading may be subdivided geographically
to indicate the country of origin and/or 
        the destination of the refugees.
              * 550    RT Aliens
              * 550    RT Deportees
              * 550    RT Exiles
              * 360       SA subdivision Refugees under individual wars,
e.g. World War, 19391945

                151  Garden of Gethsemane (Jerusalem)  [sp2010006153]
                667       This heading is not valid for use as a
geographic subdivision.
                451    UF Gethsemane, Garden of (Jerusalem)
                550    BT Gardens—Jerusalem

        (A)    150  Psychological abuse—Religious aspects  

        (A)    150  Psychological abuse—Religious aspects—Buddhism,
[Christianity, etc.]   

        (A)    150  Psychological abuse victims   [May Subd Geog]  
                550    BT Victims of crimes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Roger Kohn
Cataloger, Israel & Judaica Section
Library of Congress
LS/ASME/IJ Section (4222) 
LM 537
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20540-4222
(202) 707-3997

"Opinions expressed are those of the author, and are not official
statements by the Library of Congress."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

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