Hello all, מועדים לשמחה

I have in front of me a case of a 245 and a 505 that end with rashe tevot (z. 
ts. ṿe-ḳ.l.l.h.h. in the 245 and li-f.ḳ. in the 505).  Please confirm that 
I’m supposed to end the field with a second mark of punctuation (full stop) 
following that of the abbreviation.

I looked at the RDA ISBD punctuation sections for guidance (Appendix D and 1.7 
and its accompanying LCC-PCC PS) but didn’t find examples for 24x or 5xx 
fields.  I recall the example during training where the 250 ed. statement ends 
with an abbreviation, a second full stop would be added as part of ISBD 
punctuation, e.g., if the statement is given as “3rd ed.”, the 250 would 
present as “3rd ed..”  (See Adam Schiff’s ‘Changes from AACR2 to 
 p.43: “Tsṿeyţe oysg..”)  But these are specific to ed. statements.  Does the 
principle apply to other fields as well?

One option is to omit the abbreviations, but that isn’t really in the spirit of 
RDA’s “take what you see”.  Have others encountered similar situations? E.g., a 
title ending with E.Y. (א"י)?

Thanks and חג שמח, Jasmin

Jasmin Shinohara
Hebraica Cataloging Librarian
University of Pennsylvania
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. 215-746-6397
F. 215-573-9610

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