For some time we have been recommending people use the setting "rdns = false" in the "[libdefaults]" section. However, recently we have run across one case where that setting is causing an issue.

A client is running a Perl script where, using Net::LDAP, they make a GSSAPI connection to our load-balanced endpoint. The endpoint they connect to is "". The DNS looks like this: is a CNAME for is a CNAME for is an A record

If rdns is set to "true" then everything works. However, when set to "false" we see the message "Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Cannot determine realm for numeric host address)"

The "Cannot determine realm for numeric host address" message suggests that the Kerberos client is trying to get a ticket for an IP address.

Note: I realize that this may not be a Heimdal issue since the client uses MIT Kerberos, but I thought I'd take a stab at someone on this list having a useful suggestion.

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