Love Hörnquist Åstrand ha scritto:

we are testing heimdal but i have problem authenticating clients with pkcs12 certificates, infact i receive this error:

kinit: krb5_get_init_creds: Certificate not found

Can you print pkcs12 file with hxtool print ?

hxtool print --pass=PASS:foobar PKCS12:/Users/lha/src/cvs/heimdal/lib/hx509/data/test.p12


Yes the output for my certificate is

[EMAIL PROTECTED] heimdal-rc2]# bin/hxtool print --pass=PASS:cazzo PKCS12:./certs/pkinit.p12
cert: 0
   private key: yes
   issuer:  "C=IT,CN=hx509 Test Root CA"
   subject: "CN=pkinit,C=IT"
   keyusage: keyEncipherment, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature
cert: 1
   friendly name: ca
   private key: no
   issuer:  "C=IT,CN=hx509 Test Root CA"
   subject: "C=IT,CN=hx509 Test Root CA"
keyusage: cRLSign, keyCertSign, keyEncipherment, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature
[EMAIL PROTECTED] heimdal-rc2]#

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