Hello Henry,

We all know that a real man page is needed for hxtool. In the mean time this helps a lot. ;-)

hxtool can almost generate its own manpage, but not all subcommands are written
yet, that the reason I've not written the mandoc yet.

I'm not sure I want hxtool to be that version, how about this ?

--- hxtool.c    16 Jan 2007 23:11:12 +0100      1.98
+++ hxtool.c    30 Jan 2007 21:48:02 +0100      
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
usage(int code)
     arg_printusage(args, num_args, NULL, "command");
+    printf("Use \"%s help\" to get more help\n", getprogname());

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