2015-09-24 14:21 GMT+02:00 Andre <andre-li...@fucs.org>:
> However the real advantage of grok is its user base and is reasonably
> broad support by tools (.e.g. LogStash, FluentD, Graylog2, and
> others)...
> This mean you gain an easy source of pre-defined parsing rules without
> having to rewrite them as a sandbox LPEG, e.g:
> https://github.com/whyscream/postfix-grok-patterns

This one has already been ported (by me), see :

> https://github.com/elastic/logstash/tree/v1.4.2/patterns
> http://www.gregmefford.com/blog/2014/09/24/analyzing-cisco-asa-firewall-logs-with-logstash/

This is now at <https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-patterns-core>.
Those are probably easy to port, I have a local lpeg decoder for
vendor syslog, and will propose a PR with it once it is enough tested
(it doesn't parse Cisco ASA yet, but it parses Cisco IOS and Nexus and
various Netapp). See it attached for now.

> http://seclists.org/snort/2013/q4/174

Very easy to do also. PR welcomes!


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-- Copyright 2015 Mathieu Parent <math.par...@gmail.com>

Parses the syslog logs from vendor not respecting Syslog RFCs.


- hostname_keep (boolean, defaults to false)
    Always preserve the original 'Hostname' field set by Logstreamer's 'hostname' configuration setting.

- cisco_ios (boolean, defaults to false)
    Try to parse as a Cisco IOS Payload.

- cisco_nexus (boolean, defaults to false)
    Try to parse as a Nexus Payload.

- cisco_wlc (boolean, defaults to false)
    Try to parse as a Wireless LAN Controller Payload.

- netapp_cdot (boolean, defaults to false)
    Try to parse as a NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP Payload.

- netapp_balance (boolean, defaults to false)
    Try to parse as a NetApp OnCommand Balance Payload.

*Example Heka Configuration*
.. code-block:: ini

    type = "SandboxDecoder"
    filename = "lua_decoders/flexible_syslog.lua"

    cisco_ios = true
    cisco_nexus = true
    cisco_wlc = true
    netapp_cdot = true
    netapp_balance = true

*Example Heka Message*

:Timestamp: 2014-01-10 07:04:56 -0800 PST
:Type: netapp_cdot
:Hostname: netapp1
:Pid: 0
:UUID: 8e414f01-9d7f-4a48-a5e1-ae92e5954df5
:Logger: SyslogInput
:Payload: Volume test@vserver:42424242-4242-4242-4242-424242424242 destroyed.
:Severity: 6
    | name:"syslogfacility" value:0
    | name:"cdot_message" value:"wafl.vvol.destroyed"
    | name:"cdot_severity" value:"info"

local l = require 'lpeg'
local dt = require 'date_time'
local math = require 'math'
local os = require 'os'

local hostname_keep = read_config('hostname_keep')
local grammar_enable = {}
grammar_enable.cisco_ios = read_config('cisco_ios')
grammar_enable.cisco_nexus = read_config('cisco_nexus')
grammar_enable.cisco_wlc = read_config('cisco_wlc')
grammar_enable.netapp_cdot = read_config('netapp_cdot')
grammar_enable.netapp_balance = read_config('netapp_balance')

-- Build grammars
local vendors = {}
-- FIXME DUP of syslog
local function convert_pri(pri)
    pri = tonumber(pri)
    local facility = math.floor(pri/8)
    local severity = pri % 8

    return {facility = facility, severity = severity}
local pri = l.P'<' * l.Cg(l.digit^-3 / convert_pri, 'pri') *  l.P'>'

-- Cisco IOS
-- <157>6628: Aug 21 14:51:56: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by admin onvty0 (
-- <157>6629: SP:       Aug 21 14:52:06: %PFINIT-5-CONFIG_SYNC: Sync'ing the startup configuration to the standby Router.
-- <189>2105: *May  1 23:29:33: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/7, changed state to up
-- Ref http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/services/high-availability/white_paper_c11-557812.html
local ios_date = l.Cg(l.Ct(
                 l.Cg(l.Cc('') / function() return os.date('%Y') end, 'year')
               * dt.date_mabbr
               * l.P' '
               * dt.date_mday_sp
               * l.P' '
               * dt.time_hour
               * l.P':'
               * dt.time_minute
               * l.P':'
               * dt.time_second
               * (l.P'.' * l.Cg(l.digit^1 / function(n) return tonumber(n)/1000 end, 'sec_frac'))^-1
               ) / dt.time_to_ns, 'timestamp')
vendors.cisco_ios = l.Ct(
                  * l.digit^1 / tonumber -- message number since boot
                  * l.P': '
                  * (l.P'SP' * l.P':       ')^-1 -- supervisor
                  * (
                      (l.P'*' * l.Cg(l.Cc('false'), 'ntp_authoritative') * l.Cg(l.Cc('false'), 'ntp_synchronized'))
                    + (l.P'.' * l.Cg(l.Cc('false'), 'ntp_synchronized'))
                    + l.P('')
                  * ios_date
                  * l.P': %'
                  * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P': ')^1, 'ios_tag')
                  * l.P': '
                  * l.Cg(l.P(1)^1, 'msg')

-- Cisco Nexus
-- <PRI>2015 Aug 7 11:03:31 CEST: %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from vty by admin on
local nexus_date = l.Cg(l.Ct(
                 * l.P' '
                 * dt.date_mabbr
                 * l.P' '
                 * l.Cg(l.digit^-2, 'day')
                 * l.P' '
                 * dt.time_hour
                 * l.P':'
                 * dt.time_minute
                 * l.P':'
                 * dt.time_second
                 * l.P' '
                 * dt.timezone
                 ) / dt.time_to_ns, 'timestamp')
vendors.cisco_nexus = l.Ct(
                    * l.P': '
                    * nexus_date
                    * l.P': %'
                    * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P':')^1, 'nexus_tag')
                    * l.P': '
                    * l.Cg(l.P(1)^1, 'msg')

-- Cisco Wireless LAN Controller
-- <188>myhost: *apfMsConnTask_2: Sep 18 15:10:07.119: #APF-4-ASSOCREQ_PROC_FAILED: [PA] apf_80211.c:5233 Failed to process an association request from 74:de:2b:08:87:0b. WLAN:7, SSID:WAN@NM. message received from disabled WLAN.
-- <189>myhost: -Traceback:  0x10e451e4 0x10135ffc 0x100f738c 0x100ff22c 0x10f323d0 0x10e53f08 0x12644620 0x126bc02c
local wlc_date = l.Cg(l.Ct(
                 l.Cg(l.Cc('') / function() return os.date('%Y') end, 'year')
               * dt.date_mabbr
               * l.P' '
               * l.Cg(l.digit^-2, 'day')
               * l.P' '
               * dt.time_hour
               * l.P':'
               * dt.time_minute
               * l.P':'
               * dt.time_second
               * l.P'.'
               * l.Cg(l.digit^1 / function(n) return tonumber(n)/1000 end, 'sec_frac')
               ) / dt.time_to_ns, 'timestamp')
vendors.cisco_wlc = l.Ct(
                  * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P': ')^1, 'hostname')
                  * l.P': '
                  * ((
                      * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P': ')^1, 'wlc_tag1')
                      * l.P': '
                      * wlc_date
                      * l.P': #'
                      * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P':')^1, 'wlc_tag2')
                      * l.P': ['
                      * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P']')^1, 'wlc_tag3')
                      * l.P'] '
                      * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P':')^1, 'wlc_file')
                      * l.P':'
                      * l.Cg(l.digit^1 / tonumber, 'wlc_line')
                      * l.P' '
                      * l.Cg(l.P(1)^1, 'msg')
                    ) + (
                        l.P'-Traceback:  '
                      * l.Cg(l.Cc(true), '_drop')

-- NetApp cDOT
-- <PRI>Aug  7 12:07:28 [cdot-1:wafl.vvol.destroyed:info]: Volume test@vserver:42424242-4242-4242-4242-424242424242 destroyed.
local cdot_date = l.Cg(l.Ct(
                    l.Cg(l.Cc('') / function() return os.date('%Y') end, 'year')
                 * dt.date_mabbr
                 * l.P' '
                 * dt.date_mday_sp
                 * l.P' '
                 * dt.time_hour
                 * l.P':'
                 * dt.time_minute
                 * l.P':'
                 * dt.time_second
                 ) / dt.time_to_ns, 'timestamp')
vendors.netapp_cdot = l.Ct(
                    * cdot_date
                    * l.P' ['
                    * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P':')^1, 'hostname')
                    * l.P':'
                    * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P':')^1, 'cdot_message')
                    * l.P':'
                    * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P']: ')^1, 'cdot_severity')
                    * l.P']:'
                    * (l.P' ' * l.Cg(l.P(1)^1, 'msg'))^-1

-- NetApp OnCommand Balance
-- <PRI>user:2015-08-07 11:14:11,032 WARN [sys.netapp] Syslog Test Message\0x0a
local balance_date =l.Cg(l.Ct(
                 * l.P'-'
                 * dt.date_month
                 * l.P'-'
                 * dt.date_mday
                 * l.P' '
                 * dt.time_hour
                 * l.P':'
                 * dt.time_minute
                 * l.P':'
                 * dt.time_second
                 * l.P','
                 * l.Cg(l.digit^1 / function(n) return tonumber(n)/1000 end, 'sec_frac')
                 ) / dt.time_to_ns, 'timestamp')
vendors.netapp_balance = l.Ct(
                       * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P':')^1, 'balance_source')
                       * l.P':'
                       * balance_date
                       * l.P' '
                       * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P' [')^1, 'balance_severity')
                       * l.P' ['
                       * l.Cg((l.P(1)-l.P'] ')^1, 'balance_category')
                       * l.P'] '
                       * l.Cg((l.P(1) - l.P'\n')^1, 'msg')
                       * l.P'\n'^-1
                       * l.P(-1)

local grammars = {}
for k, v in pairs(grammar_enable) do
    if v then
      if not vendors[k] then
          error('Unknow grammar: ' .. k)
          grammars[k] = vendors[k]

local msg = {
    Timestamp   = nil,
    Type        = nil,
    Hostname    = nil,
    Payload     = nil,
    Pid         = nil,
    Severity    = nil,
    Fields      = nil

function process_message ()
    local log = read_message('Payload')
    local fields = nil
    for k, grammar in pairs(grammars) do
        fields = grammar:match(log)
        if fields then
            -- FIXME Allow the sandbox decoder to drop messages https://github.com/mozilla-services/heka/issues/1398
            -- if fields._drop then
            --     return -2
            -- end
            msg.Timestamp = fields.timestamp
            fields.timestamp = nil

            msg.Type = k

            if fields.hostname and not hostname_keep then
                msg.Hostname = fields.hostname
                fields.hostname = nil
                msg.Hostname = read_message('Hostname')

            msg.Payload = fields.msg
            fields.msg = nil

            if fields.pri then
                msg.Severity = fields.pri.severity
                fields.syslogfacility = fields.pri.facility
                fields.pri = nil
                msg.Severity = nil

            if fields.ntp_synchronized == false then
                fields.timereported = msg.Timestamp
                msg.Timestamp = nil

            msg.Fields = fields

            if not pcall(inject_message, msg) then return -1, 'Unable to inject message' end
            return 0
    -- no match
    return -1, 'No match'
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