Hello, Jiri,

please, see my comments in-line.

Dne 5.12.2017 v 20:50 Jiri Svoboda napsal(a):
This way there is no problem with combining "native" code and code using libposix. Let's say, theoretically, that libjpeg needs some UNIX symbols that are not in pure C standard library. You'd still might want to use libjpeg in some native HelenOS code and it's FILE would have to be interoperatble with HelenOS FILE.
Right. I should have stated that I was really aiming for standalone applications and that I do not want to remove libposix. libposix as "native" library can coexist with the emulation layer.

Hopefully we can eventually bring libposix on par with musl but that is not something that would happen soon, I think.

The solution you are proposing promotes the status quo to a stated goal and cements it as the desired end state. Effectively you create an emulation layer on top of HelenOS that is completely isolated and cannot inter-operate with native HelenOS code. Even worse, you are introducing an extra implementation of ISO C standard library to the system. So there will be two: one for native applications (our own, incomplete) and one for the libposix environment (complete). Also means we are giving up providing a complete C implementation for native HelenOS code? Also, the goal of XCW environment is to provide standard C + HelenOS to multiplatform applications. How are you going to do that if you give up providing a proper C library to base HelenOS? Please don't tell me we don't have the resources to write and maintain our own implementation of C standard library, that's just not true.
[rant] Unfortunately the current state of standardworthiness of our libc and libposix tells the opposite. Moreover, it seems to me that no one is actually testing whether our ported software still works. For example, GCC is no longer able to build things. I have not yet tried to bisect when that started but I suspect that it is because the current duo libc/libposix is rather fragile. [end-of-rant]

As stated above, libposix can freely coexist but using musl still seems to me as an easier way to port applications to HelenOS. Furthermore I do not think that it harms the system if there are multiple C libraries. The applications can still communicate with each other, share files etc. and it only increases diversity.

I understand the want to provide the most complete functionality to ported applications. But, if I use the analogy of porting GNU applications to Windows, we want a MinGW (makes GNU software compile as native windows applications), not Cygwin (an enclosed emulation enclave on top of Windows).
Why (I mean the question seriously)? What is wrong with Cygwin from user perspective? It may not be the cleanest solution but it works and from my experience (several years ago, though) it worked very well...

Emulating Linux syscalls, seriously? If anything, adding a proper HelenOS port to an existing C library would be more meaningful.
Yes, seriously. It is actually a pretty clean cut. Well-defined and stable interface, generally follows POSIX standard and there are implementations on both sides of the layer to check the actual behaviour.

Anyway, do you know of any C library that could be used for porting to HelenOS in the way you propose? Because the ones I have seen targets one OS (kernel) only and adding a new "backend" would require non-trivial changes.

 > Some required headers are
 > expected to define hundreds of macros describing the system. Writing
 > such headers from scratch is difficult because they are often
 > Linux-specific and there is not much of a documentation anyway. And
 > taking these headers from existing libraries (e.g. glibc) introduces a
 > maintenance problem (and licensing might be an issue too).
This is confusing. I think the question here is what exactly are we trying to emulate with libposix. Glibc? A Linux libc? Why? Why not the FreeBSD libc? Actually I thought we were aiming for the C library as defined by the UNIX standard!

Software that we are trying to port to HelenOS is inherently portable and runs on multiple Unix-like platforms. Surely it does not absolutely depend on some Linux specific headers (it can run on FreeBSD, MINIX, AIX, Solaris ...) Something's amiss...
I wish I could agree. But why all the software we have ported so far uses complex configure scripts to actually detect what the system provides? Because despite a common standard there are differences.

And to achieve the compatibility we either need to mimic an existing library (contrary to common sense) or use an existing one. I believe it was libisl where they were testing for guard macros of stdio.h (i.e. #ifdef _stdio_h_) to control inclusion of different headers. Awful but common.

I hope the answers helped to clarify the intent and the motivation.

- Vojta


---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Vojtech Horky <vojtech.ho...@gmail.com>
Komu: HelenOS development mailing list <helenos-devel@lists.modry.cz>
Datum: 5. 12. 2017 15:37:54
Předmět: Re: [HelenOS-devel] musl as replacement for libposix

    Hello, Jiri.

    2017-12-05 13:20 GMT+01:00 Jiri Svoboda <jirik.svob...@seznam.cz>:
     > I have some serious concerns regarding your proposed approach.
    Either I can
     > give you feedback at the December meeting, or I can try to write
    it down.
     > But you'd need to give me some time to write my thoughts down..
    I plan to attend the meeting so we can discuss it there. But if you
    would find some time to write it down it would probably help steer the

    - Vojta

     > Regards.
     > Jiri
     > ---------- Původní e-mail ----------
     > Od: Vojtech Horky <vojtech.ho...@gmail.com>
     > Komu: HelenOS development mailing list <helenos-devel@lists.modry.cz>
     > Datum: 4. 12. 2017 20:27:07
     > Předmět: [HelenOS-devel] musl as replacement for libposix
     > Hello all,
     > this is a report of a work I started on HelenOS camp regarding
     > to libposix and the way how we build other applications.
     > TL;DR version is: as an alternative, it is possible to use musl libc
     > as the base library for ported software and build coastline packages
     > with it. Internally, the actual (Linux) syscalls in musl are replaced
     > with HelenOS handler that translates them to native HelenOS API. It
     > seems to work (at least as a proof of concept) on ia32.
     > Longer version follows. I am sorry for the length but I wanted to put
     > all the information together so we can discuss whether we want to use
     > this in HelenOS mainline. I have partially explained this already in
     > my blog post [blog], I repeat it here again for completeness.
     > I will start with a brief overview of issues we are facing with
     > libposix. Historically libposix directly included files from libc to
     > make them accessible to ported software. Some tweaks - usually to
     > prevent clashes between names in libposix and libc - were done with
     > special macros and various #ifdef tricks. That worked well except
     > packages actually defined macros to wrap standard functions with
     > replacements (and that broke when the identifier was already a
     > So we switched to renaming the symbols at object level and keeping
     > libc and libposix headers as separated as possible (the changes in
     > last weeks separating headers even more helped a lot too).
     > That works pretty well yet our (libposix) headers are still somewhat
     > different from glibc headers (a.k.a. "the libc" on GNU/Linux today)
     > and configure scripts do not detect some functions correctly.
    That is,
     > by the way, the reason why we define some "have-xy-header" macros in
     > several harbour files.
     > We are adding functions to libposix on demand: when new
    application is
     > ported to HelenOS and some functionality is missing, we add it to
     > libposix. That can have some adverse effects on its own as it may
     > break existing applications (e.g. configure detected that some
     > functions are missing and bypassed their usage, now they are
    there and
     > the build process may crash because it expects to find other
     > too).
     > But the biggest issue is that we are now past the simple cases and we
     > are adding a non-trivial definitions there that are difficult to
     > maintain. Porting QEMU highlighted this. Some required headers are
     > expected to define hundreds of macros describing the system. Writing
     > such headers from scratch is difficult because they are often
     > Linux-specific and there is not much of a documentation anyway. And
     > taking these headers from existing libraries (e.g. glibc)
    introduces a
     > maintenance problem (and licensing might be an issue too).
     > So maybe it is time to look for another solution. And that is to find
     > a suitable libc that could be tweaked to become the new POSIX
     > emulation layer. The reasoning is that this existing libc would take
     > care of proper definitions, would provide OS-agnostic functionality
     > (e.g. sprintf) and we would only provide the binding that is HelenOS
     > specific, such as file system operations.
     > Ideally there should be a well-defined level where library does
     > on its own and where services from the OS are needed. Looking at
     > existing libcs for Linux, this separation layer is at the level of
     > system calls. Therefore if HelenOS would be able to emulate Linux
     > system calls, any C library should work.
     > And now about the actual implementation.
     > I decided to use musl libc [musl] as the potential replacement of
     > libposix. The reasons were that it is (1) actively maintained,
    (2) has
     > MIT license and (3) is reasonably small yet reasonably complete
     > [comparison]. The overall idea is that syscalls in musl would be
     > replaced by a normal function call that would emulate them and mimic
     > that the application is running on GNU/Linux.
     > Since syscalls in musl are defined through a macro it is easy to
     > redefine it to call a central dispatcher of the emulation layer. The
     > actual emulation is implemented in libinux and currently supports (at
     > least partially) about 15 system calls. The important thing is that
     > libinux basically exports only two symbols - one for initialization
     > and one for the syscall handler. Everything else is separated
    (musl vs
     > libinux and HelenOS libc) and thus there shall not be any naming
     > clashes at all (it prefixes HelenOS libc functions as libposix does
     > but no shared headers are present).
     > Ported software is then compiled against musl headers and linked with
     > musl and libinux (together with our libc). That works very well and
     > for packages I tested so far I was able to remove all the hacks and
     > basically reduce number of patches to zero.
     > This new approach has some advantages and several disadvantages too.
     > The biggest advantage is that we compile the ported applications
     > against a full-fledged libc that is known to work and that greatly
     > simplifies the compilation process. We also reduce the amount of code
     > in HelenOS as we do not need to care about headers but only about
     > implementation of a few syscalls. There is also less duplication in
     > the code as the syscalls are (almost) orthogonal.
     > And now the disadvantages. The obvious one is: instead of
     > plenty of POSIX functions (and we already have a lot of them), we
     > would be implementing plenty of Linux syscalls (and starting from
     > scratch). Well, there are not that many syscalls, we do not need to
     > implement all of them and in many cases they offer nicer separation
     > from which we should profit in cleaner code in general (e.g. instead
     > of implementing write, fwrite, printf etc. we need to only implement
     > single syscall - write). Of course, some syscalls are very difficult
     > to port to HelenOS (fork is a prominent example) but these were even
     > in libposix handled by patching the original application (e.g. PEX
     > module in libiberty for GCC).
     > A serious drawback of musl is that it does not support all the
     > architectures we do. For example, glibc is much better in this aspect
     > but compiling glibc is a nightmare compared to musl. This is a real
     > blocker from a complete switch but I believe that adding an
     > architecture stub needed for our purposes might not be that hard.
     > There is very little of assembler in general in musl and about one
     > third of architecture-specific code are actually just the syscall
     > numbers.
     > We would also shift the testing/debugging from compilation-time to
     > run-time. So far, if a function was missing, the compilation failed
     > with "undefined function". With libinux, we fail at run-time with
     > "unknown syscall". That complicates the debugging process but to some
     > degree this happens now too as many functions in libposix are defined
     > but empty.
     > Another thing that is not yet solved is threading support. As most of
     > the software in Coastline is single-threaded I simply turned threads
     > off for now (including any locking in libinux). I am still not sure
     > how to properly map our fibrils to normal pthreads and which
     > assumptions musl has about threads. As musl-on-HelenOS is still
    in the
     > phase of proof-of-concept, I focused on ia32 and amd64 only (I
     > ia32 works well, amd64 is not 100% yet).
     > If you want to see the code or even try it out: my branches are on
     > GitHub [helenos-branch,harbours-branch]. I have also put together a
     > small script for quick testing [build]. After compilation, you
    can run
     > example zlib application via zlib-example or run assembler from
     > binutils. By the way, I was able to upgrade to newest version of
     > binutils after about 2 hours of work (basic syscalls needed by zlib
     > were already added though). There is still some bug in linker so
     > complete compilation is not yet possible. If you want to monitor more
     > what is going on, you can run the application with libinux=debug
     > parameter. This parameter is eaten by libinux and is not
    propageted to
     > the application itself. For debugging purposes, adding libinux_st=1
     > causes the syscall dispatcher to print a stacktrace too.
     > The overal status is that printf via musl works, syscalls for opening
     > a file works for common cases; reading and writing from/to a file
     > seems to work too; malloc in musl works via brk syscall; some special
     > syscalls doing nothing (e.g. madvice) were added. It is possible to
     > compile binutils, zlib, xz and GCC. I have not tried to compile
     > yet. From the mentioned packages, xz does not run because of missing
     > pipe syscall; ld does not work for reasons unknown and GCC misses few
     > syscalls that I plan to add soon.
     > The code is far from perfect - I focused mostly on getting things
     > running on ia32 - but navigating through the sources should be easy.
     > src/syscalls contains the actual emulation layer, libinux.c is the
     > syscall dispatcher and main.c contains initialization routines.
     > I hope I have not forgotten anything. I would welcome any comments on
     > this. I believe a switch to full-fledged libc is inevitable as we do
     > not have the manpower to make libposix functionally equivalent to a
     > "normal" libc. If we decide to use musl, I would certainly welcome
     > help - especially with ports to other architectures (both that are
     > present in musl, such as mips32 and to those that are missing
     > completely in musl).
     > Cheers,
     > - Vojtech
     > [blog]
     > [build]
     > [comparison] http://www.etalabs.net/compare_libcs.html
     > [harbours-branch]
     > [helenos-branch] https://github.com/vhotspur/helenos/tree/libinux
     > [musl] https://www.musl-libc.org/
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