
I would like to create a parser that reads the following input:

a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 0;
y = a + b * c + d;

And outputs:

temp1 = b * c;
temp1 = 6;
temp2 = temp1 + d;
y = a + temp2;
y = 7;

I reviewed the bison manual and played with example three "mfcalc" from chapter 
two. I copy the relevant part here, line numbers are added for convenience.

Obviously i need to define a counter that count the number of basic operations 
( '+', '*' ) and use the number to identify the correct temp variable (temp1, 
temp2, ...)

I need an action for the non-terminal expression (exp '+' exp), this action 
should print (temp# = exp + exp;). Also, i need to find the result ($$ = $1 + 
$3;). First, i added line 8 and received  (error: invalid type argument of 
`->') as a compilation error.
Next i added line 3 and line 11. The result was as "expected" postorder 
expression. Please advise??

1:     exp:      NUM                { $$ = $1;                         }
2:             | VAR                    { $$ = $1->value.var;
3:                                              printf("%s",$1->name);
4:                                           }
5:             | VAR '=' exp        { $$ = $3; $1->value.var = $3;     }
6:             | FNCT '(' exp ')'   { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); }
7:             | exp '+' exp          {
8:                                             printf("temp%d = %s + %s", 
temp_no, $1->name, $3->name);
9:                                             $$ = $1 + $3;
10:                                           printf("+");
11:                                           temp_no ++; 
12:                                        }


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